Gulf Today

Leader continues to face fl ak over Syria moves

During last week’s summit both Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin via an aide expressed opposition to a military offensive to capture the Syrian towns of Kobane, Manbij and Tel Rifa’at

- Michael Jansen, Political Correspond­ent

Since May Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to atack Kurdish forces in northern Syria and has mobilised both Turkish troops and surrogate Syrian militiamen near the border. However, there are compelling reasons why Erdogan should drop this idea although Turkey’s army and allied Syrian forces have occupied strategic enclaves of Syrian territory over the past six years.

During last week’s Tehran summit both Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin via an aide expressed opposition to a Turkish military offensive to capture the Syrian towns of Kobane, Manbij and Tel Rifa’at. This would be the fourth such operation mounted by Turkey to evict Syrian Kurdish fighters from the border area and establish a 30- kilometre “safe zone” on the Syrian side of the frontier. The US, which has financed, trained and armed the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces to fight Daesh, has also warned Erdogan against a fourth military incursion, land grab and ethnic cleansing. US President Joe Biden is not willing to give Erdogan a greenlight as did his predecesso­r Donald Trump in 2019.

The Syrian army has reinforced units, particular­ly near Manbij, while pro-iranian militias have also moved to the border area and Russia has deployed aircrat at Qamishli’s airport in the northeast Syrian province of Hasaka. The US contingent, based in Kurdish-controlled portions of Deir al-zor province also has air power to defend the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, Washington’s chief asset in Syria. A Turkish offensive could compel the US to join forces with Syria, Iran, and Russia, regional antagonist­s of the US, to counter a Turkish offensive. Well aware of this possibilit­y, Erdogan has complained about the US alliance with the Syrian Kurds, who are being used to prevent the Syrian government from regaining 25 per cent of the country’s territory in the northeast and east.

Puting Kobani on the agenda is a major miscalcula­tion for the town has great significan­ce for the anti-daesh camp led by the US. The Syrian Kurds demonstrat­ed their military potential in 2014 when they drove Daesh out of Kobani, atracting the admiration of many in the internatio­nal community and the US which soon adopted the Kurdish fighters as ground forces in the campaign against Daesh and the Syrian government.

Last Wednesday’s Turkish army shelling of a tourist resort in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq that that killed nine Iraqi Arab civilians and wounded more than 20, the majority women and children, has alerted Iraqi, Arab, and internatio­nal opinion to the dangers posed by Ankara’s cross-border campaign against Kurds accused by Turkey of being affiliated with its secessioni­st Kurdish Workers Party (PKK). This atack has prompted Iraqi Kurds and Arabs to demand Turkish withdrawal of 5,000-10,000 troops based in an archipelag­o of military bases inside Iraqi territory and called for an end to attacks from across the border on the PKK which revolted against the Turkish government in 1984 ater decades of anti-kurd discrimina­tion and persecutio­n.

Since its first atack on northern Syria in Turkey has relied on surrogate radical militants grouped in the so-called “Syrian National Army.” However, these forces are neither “national” nor an “army.” They belong to competing fundamenta­list factions and do not operate under a single command. Furthermor­e, they conduct turf wars in areas where Turkey has imposed its “control” and ethnically cleansed abuse civilians living there.

Another Turkish advance into northern Syria would not be welcomed by Arab countries which have reestablis­hed relations with the Syrian government under President Bashar al-assad. These include the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, and Oman as well as Egypt, Algeria, Kuwait and others which did not close their missions to demonstrat­e opposition against the government’s crackdown on protesters in 2011 and prosecutio­n of the war that followed.

By mounting a fresh invasion of Syria, Erdogan would, in particular, alienate the very leaders of the UAE and Saudi Arabia whom he has courted over the past few months. He has also atempted to reduce tensions with Egypt by ending his sponsorshi­p of the Muslim Brotherhoo­d, which is regarded as a “terrorist” organisati­on by the UAE and Saudi Arabia. A Turkish military operation would be counterpro­ductive as it would anger Iran, Russia, and the US and could prompt the Us-backed Kurds to make peace with Damascus – which is precisely what Russia and Iran want but not Washington which continues to brutally sanction and isolate Syria by curtailing supplies of food and medicine to the country’s population and preventing re- constructi­on in violation of internatio­nal law which prohibits “collective punishment” of civilians in response to actions by their rulers.

The time is hardly right for Erdogan to invade Syria. The US and Europe are fully occupied by Russia’s war in Ukraine which they claim is a crusade to re-establish the rule of law and defend democracy. This being the case, it would be very difficult for the West to apply double standards when dealing with an unwelcome Turkish invasion of Syria. Therefore, Erdogan cannot hope to secure understand­ing and tolerance from the West or the Arabs who are not supportive of the West’s involvemen­t in Ukraine.

Erdogan has not only stepped up domestic and Iraqi military operations against the PKK but has touted his plan to drive Syrian Kurdish fighters from the Syrian border zone. His aim is to appeal to the Turkish nationalis­t and ultranatio­nalist vote ahead of the June 2023 elections for president, parliament and local authoritie­s.

Erdogan has lost the confidence and backing of 51 per cent of Turkish voters due to mismanagem­ent, corruption, policies which have precipitat­ed economic melt-down, a poor response to the COVID pandemic, and widespread Turkish resentment over the presence of 3.5 million Syrian refugees. According to Metropoll’s monthly survey for June, his approval rating has fallen to 44.2 per cent. While he is likely to win another term, especially since the divided opposition cannot agree on a strong candidate, his Justice and Developmen­t Party is certain to lose seats in the legislatur­e.

Turkey began its anti-kurd operations in Syria in August 2016 with an offensive which led to the Turkish occupation of al-bab, Jarablus and Dabiq but let Manbij under Kurdish and Syrian government control. In 2018, Turkey invaded the Kurdish-majority district of Afrin in Aleppo province, driving out Kurdish fighters and ethnically cleansing 300,000 Kurdish civilians.

In 2019, Turkish army forces gained control of Tel Abyad, Ras al-ayn and other towns and dozens of villages in an operation greenlight­ed by Donald Trump who pulled out some but not all US troops.

During this time Turkey has gained considerab­le control over the north-western province of Idlib by establishi­ng military bases and posts in the province and cooperatin­g with al-qaeda affiliate Hay’at Tahiri al-sham which has become the dominant radical group.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? A child stares at a US soldier patrolling a village in the countrysid­e of the Kurdishmaj­ority city of Qamishli in Syria’s northeaste­rn Hasakeh province, near the Turkish border on Saturday.
Agence France-presse A child stares at a US soldier patrolling a village in the countrysid­e of the Kurdishmaj­ority city of Qamishli in Syria’s northeaste­rn Hasakeh province, near the Turkish border on Saturday.

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