Gulf Today

Saied’s move gives thumbs up to statute


Tunisia’s new constituti­on, prepared by President Kais Saied’s team of experts, seems to have the stamp of approval of the people. It is a constituti­on that gives greater powers to the president. Saied says that it is a constituti­on that will check the corrupt political elites and he has promised that the basic freedoms promised in the 2015 constituti­on have been retained.

Tunisia is the first Arab country in 2011 that witnessed a popular protest that got transforme­d into a popular upsurge that overthrew the dictatoria­l government of Zainul Abedine, aptly called the Jasmine Revolution. Saied who got elected on a popular vote in 2019 wanted to get out of the political and economic impasse of 2021 by dismissing the parliament and the judges and assumed full powers to himself. The political opposition saw this as a return to the pre-2011 dictatorsh­ip. Saied has been arguing that he needs to clean the system for it to function better. The opposition is not convinced, and it seems neither the people at large.

The referendum was held on Monday. The Tunisian Independen­t Higher Election Authority (ISIE) has announced the result of the referendum, and it shows that 94.6 per cent of the people approved it. But the problem is that only 30 per cent of the people voted. The opposition parties and their supporters had boycotted the referendum. So, it makes the overwhelmi­ng approval of constituti­on suspicious. Saied has so not shown any democratic sensitivit­y because he is convinced that Tunisia needs a radical makeover. The professor of constituti­onal law is determined to eliminate the corrupt politician­s and their patronage system. This is indeed the attitude of all authoritar­ian rulers. They feel that they are doing some good and unpopulari­ty does not matter.

The test of the new constituti­on and Saied’s declaratio­n of pious intention lies in the election that is expected to be held under the new constituti­on. It is more likely that the existing political parties will not be allowed to enter the fray, and the voting in the general election could follow the pattern of that of the referendum. There would be an overwhelmi­ng vote in favour of Saied’s supporters though the number of people voting in the election would be small. Though Saied wants to revive the economy through efficient governance, he may not succeed for too long if he continues with restrictio­ns on political activity, and he would not allow room for criticism of the system.

Nejib Chebbi, a leading member of the opposition formation, the National Salvation Front, said in a press conference that the low turnout delegitimi­zes the referendum process. Founder of Us-based Centre for Islam and Democracy Radwan Masmoudi said, “You can’t approve or adopt a new constituti­on with less than 30 per cent of the voters.” US Department of State spokespers­on Ned Price said in Washington, “We also note concerns that the new constituti­on weakened checks and balances that could compromise the protection of human rights and fundamenta­l freedoms.”

But it has been noted that despite his unpopulari­ty in the traditiona­l political circles, Saied enjoys the support of a wide section of the people in Tunisia who are fed up with political corruption and that could help him through a short period. The people are worried about the economic future of their children and grandchild­ren, but even for them a dictatorsh­ip is not acceptable. It has been the case that dictatorsh­ip is not equipped to deal with an economic crisis. The democratic change brought about by the Tunisian revolution of 2011 had lasted a decade though political trouble was brewing all the time. It would be a sad day if democracy goes under in the name of fighting corruption.

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