Gulf Today



An intermedia­te-range ballistic missile fired by North Korea over Japan rang alarm bells for the whole world. The world has to address immediatel­y the awful adventure displayed by North Korea and should protest against the act (“North Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan,” Oct.4, Gulf Today website).

North Korea fired an intermedia­te-range ballistic missile over Japan on Tuesday, prompting Tokyo to activate the country’s missile alert system and order people to take shelter.

The last time North Korea fired a missile over Japan was in 2017, at the height of a period of “fire and fury” when Pyongyang’s leader Kim Jong Un traded insults with then-us president Donald Trump. The world should start a comprehens­ive dialogue for peace and discourage the aggressive atitude by the countries showing their armed strength, sending deadly messages to the world. According to the report, South Korea’s military said it had detected the launch of an IRBM, which flew around 4,500 kilometres (2,800 miles) at an altitude of about 970 kilometres and a speed of around Mach 17.”Specific details are under close analysis by South Korean and US intelligen­ce,” the South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff added in a statement.

The world is going through its most difficult time facing the biggest challenge of global warming. It’s the need of the hour to address climate change. Monsoon rains and floods have destroyed many villages, agricultur­al land and road infrastruc­ture in many countries around the world. Hundreds of people have died during the heavy rain and floods. In the coming years the issue of climate change will be out of control, no country will be able to counter the disaster of climate change, so it’s time to work together and take concrete climate change measures and save the world rather than showing off insanely mighty power. Junaid Ahmed,

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