Gulf Today

This Republican ‘commitment’ is an exercise in redundancy

- D avid A. Hopkins,

House Minority Leader Kevin Mccarthy last month unveiled the Commitment to America, a summary of the agenda for what he hopes will be a new Republican majority in 2023. The policy goals it outlines are a mix of traditiona­l Republican positions (pro-life, pro-gun, pro-military spending) and relatively new priorities, such as promising to “confront Big Tech” and “ensuring that only women can compete in women’s sports.”

In both its name and its intended function, the document consciousl­y echoes the Contract with America, the House Republican­s’ national platform from the 1994 midterm elections. (To further emphasise this pedigree, Contract with America architect Newt Gingrich has taken an active role in promoting the Commitment to America.) The Contract with America is well-remembered today because the GOP gained more than 50 seats and majority control of the House immediatel­y ater its release, making Gingrich the first Republican speaker in 40 years.

Ever since Gingrich’s success, minority parties have hoped that releasing a similar list of campaign promises might grant them a comparable electoral payoff. Congressio­nal Democrats produced a “Six in ‘06” plan before the 2006 midterms, and House Republican­s endorsed a “Pledge to America” in 2010. But even though both parties ultimately marched to electoral victory in those years, there isn’t much reason to believe that any of these documents actually helped them do it — or that it’ll be any different this year. The original Contract with America reflected a sound strategic calculatio­n: By the early 1990s, many Americans had fallen into the habit of voting differentl­y for the president and Congress, oten supporting popular Democratic incumbents in Congress even as they preferred Republican­s such as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush for the presidency. Gingrich and his allies in the House Republican conference decided that the way to a majority was to nationalis­e congressio­nal elections as much as possible. They sought to convince citizens to base their vote on their frustratio­ns with Washington as a whole, rather than their warmer feelings toward their local representa­tive.

The Contract with America was part of this nationalis­ation strategy, commiting Republican candidates to a common agenda of conservati­ve policy and institutio­nal reform. But there’s no evidence that the plan itself made much of a difference. Only 7% of respondent­s to a New York Times poll conducted just before the election reported that the contract made them more likely to vote Republican, while 5% claimed that it would make them less likely to support the party, 15% responded that it would make no difference, and 71% admited that they had never heard of it. It was the rest of the Republican message that resonated with voters in 1994, communicat­ed through television ads tying individual Democratic candidates to a controvers­ial president, Bill Clinton, and a set of damaging scandals that embarrasse­d the Democratic leadership in Congress. This aspect of Gingrich’s nationalis­ation strategy, somewhat innovative at the time, quickly became routine in both parties. Every subsequent midterm election has been primarily fought over national issues and figures rather than local concerns, including the Clinton impeachmen­t in 1998, the Iraq War in 2006, the Affordable Care Act in 2010 and the Trump presidency in 2018. Both sides now routinely encourage voters to focus their atention on ideologica­l policy debates and to treat individual congressio­nal races as proxy batles for control of the federal government. This fall, blaring television ads and eye-catching mailers are urging residents of competitiv­e seats to use their vote to “send Washington a message” about national issues such as inflation or abortion, and to express their rejection of “Joe Biden’s failed policies,” “Mitch Mcconnell’s extreme views” or vice versa.

 ?? Bill Clinton ??
Bill Clinton
 ?? Kevin Mccarthy ??
Kevin Mccarthy

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