Gulf Today

Mccarthy offers deal to end row in speaker fight


WASHINGTON: The contours of a deal that could make Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy the House Speaker have begun to emerge ater three grueling days and 11 failed votes in a political spectacle unseen in a century. It has let Republican­s in disarray and exposed anew the fragility of American democracy.

The House will be back with Republican­s trying to elect their new House Speaker - this time, against the back drop of the second anniversar­y of the jan .6, 2021, atack on the Capitol. The deadly atack was an unimaginab­le scene of chaos that shook the country when a mob of then-president Donald Trump’s supporters tried to stop Congress from certifying the Republican’s 2020 election defeat.

Mccarthy made no promises of a final vote that would secure him the Speaker’s gavel, but glimmers of a deal with at least some of the far-right holdouts who have denied him support were emerging.

“We’ve got some progress going on,” Mccarthy said late on Thursday, brushing back questions about the lengthy, messy process. “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”

The agreement Mccarthy presented to the holdouts from the conservati­ve Freedom Caucus and others centers around rules changes they have been seeking for months. Those changes would shrink the power of the Speaker’s office and give rank-and-file lawmakers more influence in drating and passing legislatio­n.

Even if Mccarthy is able to secure the votes he needs, he will emerge as a weakened speaker, having given away some powers, leaving him constantly under threat of being voted out by his detractors. But he would also be potentiall­y emboldened as a survivor of one of the more brutal fights for the gavel in US history.

At the core of the emerging deal is the reinstatem­ent of a House rule that would allow a single lawmaker to make a motion to “vacate the chair,” essentiall­y calling a vote to oust the speaker. Mccarthy had resisted allowing it, because it had been held over the head of past Republican Speaker John Boehner, chasing him to early retirement.

The chairman of the chamber’ s freedom caucus, Scot Perry of Pennsylvan­ia, who had been a leader in Trump’s efforts to challenge his presidenti­al election loss to Democrat Joe Biden, appeared receptive to the proposed package, tweeting an adage from Ronald Reagan, “Trust but verify.”

Other wins for the holdouts include provisions in the proposed deal to expand the number of seats available on the House Rules Commitee, to mandate 72 hours for bills to be posted before votes and to promise to try for a constituti­onal amendment that would impose federal limits on the number of terms a person could serve in the House and Senate.

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