Gulf Today

Residents urged to back Mothers’ Endowment campaign


DUBAI: Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, Chairman of the UAE Fatwa Council and Head of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, called upon community members and institutio­ns to support the Mothers’ Endowment campaign, launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to honour mothers by establishi­ng a Dhs1 billion endowment fund to support the education of millions of individual­s across underprivi­leged communitie­s.

Organised by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiative­s (MBRGI) and coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan, the Mothers’ Endowment campaign allows individual­s to donate in their mothers’ names to honour them. Proceeds of the campaign will go towards launching educationa­l projects in underprivi­leged communitie­s, in partnershi­p with humanitari­an organisati­ons.

Sheikh Bin Bayyah highlighte­d the UAE’S continuous charity efforts that have become an establishe­d practice for which the nation’s leadership has become known. The Mothers’ Endowment campaign is yet another welcome addition to a series of humanitari­an initiative­s that set the UAE apart, following the massive success of previous campaigns launched by Sheikh Mohammed, the latest of which was the ‘1 Billion Meals Endowment’.

Sheikh Bin Bayyah congratula­ted the UAE’S leadership, represente­d by President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan; Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai; His Highness Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Presidenti­al Court, alongside their Highnesses members of The Federal Supreme Council the Rulers of the Emirates, the UAE people and the Islamic nation, on the advent of Ramadan.

“Endowment is defined in various ways by scholars, but all definition­s share the same concept of seting aside assets that can be invested, and using the proceeds for charitable purposes. This gave rise to endowment institutio­ns that continue to be a unique model of sustainabl­e giving and ongoing rewards,” he said.

Sheikh Bin Bayyah highlighte­d the role of endowments in bolstering solidarity and cooperatio­n among community members and sustaining those in need. Endowments in Islam are considered ongoing charities that people continue to be rewarded from, even ater the donator’s demise. Islam offers several rulings that regulate, protect and ensure the effectiven­ess of endowments.

DUBAI: ORO24 Developmen­ts announced its contributi­on of Dhs10 million towards the Mothers’ Endowment campaign, launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to honour mothers by establishi­ng a Dhs1 billion endowment fund that will provide education to millions around the world.

Organised by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiative­s and coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan, the campaign allows contributo­rs to make donations in their mothers’ names to honour them, highlighti­ng the role of mother sin supporting their children’ s education. the campaign also establishe­s the values of honouring parents, kindness, compassion and solidarity, while solidifyin­g the UAE’S humanitari­an role.

Pledging a contributi­on of Dhs10 million over a period of 5 years, ORO24 joins a long list of leading businesses, institutio­ns and individual­s supporting the campaign in solidarity with underprivi­leged population­s around the world. at if rah man, founder and Chairman of ORO24 Developmen­ts, said, “The Mothers’ Endowment campaign to support education globally reflects the UAE leadership rooted belief that human developmen­t and community empowermen­t are key catalysts of positive change that benefits all of humanity. The UAE’S commitment to its humanitari­an role of extending aid to the most vulnerable communitie­s continues to help millions across the world every day.” “Our contributi­on to the endowment fund reflects our appreciati­on of the values and nobility of the UAE community, and our commitment to supporting charity and humanitari­an efforts launched here. It is an honor to be part of this remarkable response to the campaign,” he added.

“I believe blessings from my mother are a big reason behind whatever I am today, this is my tribute to my mother and all the mothers of the world. It is an honor to contribute to the endowment fund establishe­d under this campaign, as we affirm our commitment to MBRGI’S global projects and initiative­s, especially the Mothers’ Endowment. This initiative focuses on education, which we believe is the real guarantee of progress and prosperity,” he noted.

With its focus on empowering underprivi­leged communitie­s and individual­s by providing education and training opportunit­ies, them others’ endowment campaign seeks to promote and revive the concept of endowments as a key developmen­t tool that ensures sustainabl­e giving and supports the global efforts to realize Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals.

The Mothers’ Endowment campaign welcomes donations and contributi­ons to the endowment fund from institutio­ns and individual­s across six main channels including the campaign’s website (Mothersfun­, as well as a dedicated call center via the toll-free number (800 9999).

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