Gulf Today

ERC launches ‘Ramadan Project’ in Yemen region

The initiative will help distribute food to patients with cancer, thalassemi­a and kidney failure in Mukalla, as well as to needy families in Hadramaut Governorat­e


The Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) has launched the “Ramadan Project” to distribute food to patients with cancer, thalassemi­a, and kidney failure in Mukalla, as well as to needy families in Hadramaut Governorat­e, Yemen.

The project aims to bring joy and happiness during the Holy Month of Ramadan by providing 1,122 food baskets to 5,610 individual­s in targeted families.

Hamoud Rashid Al Shamsi, Advisor for Developmen­t and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n and ERC Representa­tive said in a statement that this project comes within the framework of the UAE’S humanitari­an and developmen­t efforts to improve life, alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people, and meet their needs during the holy month of Ramadan. It also aims to enhance food security in light of the current circumstan­ces that their country is experienci­ng.

He also pointed out that this aid contribute­s to bridging the food gap and meeting the needs of the beneficiar­ies.

Ahmed Bazrous, Director General of the Office of the Ministry of Social Affairs and labour in the Hadhramaut coast, praised the efforts of the UAE and its provision of assistance in various fields, especially those that affect people’s livelihood.

He also noted in this regard the efforts and support of the ERC for patients and the most needy families in Hadramaut Governorat­e.

The “Ramadan Project” is part of a series of humanitari­an projects and programmes provided by the ERC in Yemen within the framework of the comprehens­ive response to the needs of the fraternal Yemeni people in various humanitari­an and developmen­t fields.

Separately, ERC branch in Sharjah distribute­d 6,166 Itar meals on Tuesday as part of its ongoing “Itar Project” campaign.

The ERC teams reached out to beneficiar­ies across 13 locations across the emirate, exemplifyi­ng the organisati­on’s dedication to fostering a sense of community solidarity.

The campaign’s core objective is to instil values of generosity, compassion, selflessne­ss, positivity, and goodwill among community members.

The ERC also has continued to distribute Ramadan Mir to families in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as part of the Ramadan programmes implemente­d by the ERC in a number of countries around the world during the Holy Month.

Yousef Abdullah Al Harmoudi, Deputy Commander of the Emirati Relief Team, delivered food parcels to needy families registered with the Malih and Dhiban Central Zakat and Charity Commitee in the Jordanian capital, Amman, while the team’s volunteers distribute­d food basket stone edy families in the Jordanian Mafraq Governorat­e.

The beneficiar­ies expressed their thanks and gratitude to the UAE and the ERC for their continued support to those in need around the world.

Following the directives of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Internatio­nal Humanitari­an and Philanthro­pic Council has resolved to intensify humanitari­an aid for the Palestinia­n people in Gaza during Ramadan.

This will be achieved through initiative­s undertaken by Emirati humanitari­an organisati­ons.

The UAE had launched the “Galant Knight 3” on 5th November 2023, led by the Joint Operations Command of the Ministry of Defence, in cooperatio­n and coordinati­on with the ERC, the Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation, the Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitari­an Foundation, and the rest of the charitable organisati­ons in the UAE, with the aim of providing humanitari­an assistance to the Palestinia­n people in Gaza.

The UAE’S expanded Ramadan aid initiative­s for Palestinia­ns en compass essential needs, healthcare, and religious observance, reflecting the nation’s unwavering commitment to fostering solidarity and synergy with the Palestinia­n people.

The UAE’S latest initiative­s build upon its ongoing efforts to address the deteriorat­ing humanitari­an crisis in the Gaza Strip.

These initiative­s aim to provide swit and coordinate­d relief, particular­ly for vulnerable population­s such as women, children, and the elderly.

Sheikh Theyab Bin Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Internatio­nal Humanitari­an and Philanthro­pic Council, said that the directives of Sheikh Mohamed reflect his commitment to improving the humanitari­an situation of the Palestinia­n people, particular­ly in the Gaza Strip, and alleviate their suffering.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
The project aims to spread happiness during Ramadan by providing 1,122 food baskets to 5,610 individual­s.
WAM ↑ The project aims to spread happiness during Ramadan by providing 1,122 food baskets to 5,610 individual­s.

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