Gulf Today

Session on ‘psychology terms in languages’ held


ABU DHABI: The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC), part of the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi, has organised a brainstorm­ing session titled “Psychology Terms in Arabic and Other Languages” in collaborat­ion with the Arabic Language Youth Council.

The session aimed to facilitate dialogue on psychology and mental health terms, exploring ways to ensure their inclusion in the dictionary.

The session was moderated by Dr Khalifa Almeqbaali, a psychiatry consultant at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC) in Abu Dhabi, along with members of the arabic language youth council.

The participan­ts discussed the possibilit­y of developing an applied model for an Arabic dictionary project focusing on psychology and mental health terminolog­ies.

Dr Ali Bin Tamim, Chairman of the ALC, said, “As a medium, language supports communicat­ions among people from across different cultures of the world and plays a role in shaping their future. The Arabic Language Youth Council supports the ALC’S unwavering dedication to fostering the developmen­t of the Arabic language amongst youth through creative ideas. Youth represent the cornerston­e of tomorrow and serve as the driving force in identifyin­g the contempora­ry needs of the Arabic language.”

The Arabic Language Youth Council is a joint project of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre and the Arab Youth Centre, in cooperatio­n with the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, and the “Zai” Centre for Arabic Language Research at Zayed University.

The Council works diligently to foster a positive perception of the Arabic language among young people in different fields and profession­s, science, education, and society.

Its primary goal is to create a framework and strategy that nurtures the commitment of arab youth to their language, enabling them to represent the Arab identity globally in all aspects of life.

The Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre, establishe­d following a directive from the President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, as part of the department of culture and tourism–a bu Dhabi, works to support Arabic language developmen­t and modernisat­ion through comprehens­ive strategies and frameworks, enrich the scientific, educationa­l, cultural and creative contributi­ons of the Arabic language, promote Arabic language proficienc­y and cultural understand­ing, and support Arab talents in the fields of writing, translatio­n, publishing, scientific research, arts, content creation and organisati­on of book fairs.

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Participan­ts discuss the possibilit­y of developing an applied model for an Arabic dictionary project focusing on psychology and mental health terminolog­ies.
↑ Participan­ts discuss the possibilit­y of developing an applied model for an Arabic dictionary project focusing on psychology and mental health terminolog­ies.

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