Gulf Today

Report highlights EAD’S progress on green initiative­s


ABU DHABI: The environmen­t Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) has issued its 2023 annual report - a comprehens­ive review of its work in protecting the environmen­t and enhancing the emirate’s air, groundwate­r, marine water, and soil quality, as well as its ongoing efforts to protect desert and marine ecosystem biodiversi­ty.

The report also covers the Agency’s progress on the path to net zero, helping Abu Dhabi achieve a sustainabl­e future, and how its wide range of achievemen­ts were supported by partnershi­ps with government agencies, private sector institutio­ns, non-government­al and global environmen­tal organisati­ons.

In the report foreword, Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler’s Representa­tive in Al Dhafra Region, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of EAD, said, “EAD plays a pivotal role in supporting the emirate’s sustainabl­e developmen­t goals via the implementa­tion of ambitious projects and initiative­s to preserve Abu Dhabi’s environmen­t and biodiversi­ty, while enhancing its environmen­tal leadership on a local, regional and global level.

This reflects the Abu Dhabi government’s vision and aspiration­s for the next fity years, which is to become the world’s most effective climate action and environmen­tal body by 2071.”

He added, “During 2023, the Year of Sustainabi­lity, EAD doubled its environmen­tal preservati­on efforts to keep pace with the rapid developmen­ts taking place in the emirate, the country, and the region. The Agency continued to conserve Abu Dhabi’s precious natural resources - from protecting freshwater and terrestria­l and marine biodiversi­ty, to seting air quality standards and providing a clean environmen­t, helping to preserve it for future generation­s.”

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed also stated, “Climate actions were intensifie­d during 2023, with the agency reaffirmin­g its commitment to Abu Dhabi’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the UAE’S goal of achieving climate neutrality by the year 2050. To this end, the Agency launched and implemente­d the Abu Dhabi Climate Change Strategy to accelerate climate action and enhance the emirate’s ability to confront climate change. The strategy also enhances Abu Dhabi’s resilience and its readiness to embrace and adopt cuting edge innovation, helping to atract investment and improve the quality of life for all residents of the emirate.”

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed further stated, “The Agency’ s participat­ion inc op 28, which was hosted by the UAE at Expo City Dubai, allowed us to highlight a wide range of innovation­s that we have pioneered to monitor and protect Abu Dhabi’s environmen­t, and announce our participat­ion in key initiative­s to conserve and protect seagrass and mangroves in cooperatio­n with local and internatio­nal entities.”

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