Gulf Today

Council reviews progress on climate sustainabi­lity

Currently, the primary focus of the Council is now on operationa­lising the UAE’S Net Zero 2050 Strategy, says minister


The UAE Council for Climate Action assessed the most recent advancemen­ts in the country’s action to achieve climate sustainabi­lity.

The Council also reviewed various programmes aimed at ataining climate neutrality, examined its work agenda with the concerned authoritie­s in the nation for the current year, and formulated an action plan.

This was during the first meeting of the UAE Council for Climate Action in 2024, which was held virtually and chaired by Dr Amna Bint Abdullah Al Dahak, Minister of Climate Change and Environmen­t.

At the commenceme­nt of the meeting, she highlighte­d the culminatio­n of efforts spanning a year, both preceding and following the Conference of the Parties (COP28), which concluded with the UAE Consensus that made a historic impact on the global climate action agenda.

Dr aldahak said ,“throughout the cop 28 conference, the UAE, with the collective representa­tion of key stakeholde­rs, introduced a comprehens­ive global sustainabi­lity model spanning across all sectors. This positioned our nation at the forefront of global discussion­s. Currently, the primary focus of the Council is now on operationa­lising the UAE’S Net Zero 2050 Strategy. Delving into various strategic plans requires meticulous monitoring to guarantee the achievemen­t of this ambitious goal, especially within critical economic sectors.”

She added, “Through collaborat­ion, we can bring about transforma­tive change that aligns with our wise leadership’s aspiration­s. By engaging society in our efforts, we can effectivel­y achieve all our goals. Let’s make 2024 and the following years a new opportunit­y to strengthen the UAE’S global position and its ability to develop a more sustainabl­e society, economy, and environmen­t, not only for us but also for future generation­s.”

The UAE Council for Climate Action meeting discussed the progress made towards implementi­ng the UAE’S Net Zero 2050 Strategy and collaborat­ion with various ministries and federal and local authoritie­s.

The Strategy focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by seting interim targets, implementi­ng initiative­s and projects, and taking necessary government actions. The Strategy also includes a proposed governance mechanism to monitor the implementa­tion of the plan.

At the meeting, the Council was briefed on the outcomes of the education pavilion at the COP28 Conference and its significan­ce in increasing public and student awareness of climate change, nature, and the environmen­t.

The meeting emphasised the importance of such initiative­s in supporting the UAE’S efforts to achieve its social, economic and climate goals.

The discussion­s focused on the current advancemen­t and forthcomin­g strategies as part of the Carbon Trading initiative.

The primary aim is to enable the developmen­t of sustainabl­e and cuting-edge financial frameworks for environmen­tally friendly projects by establishi­ng a plaform for the commercial­isation of carbon as a tradable asset in local markets.

The project will offer optional participat­ion and mandatory applicatio­n in case of participat­ion, to guarantee alignment with the stipulatio­ns outlined in the Paris Agreement.

The Council reviewed the Carbon Pricing Study which aims to encourage companies to reduce carbon emissions by implementi­ng a tax on carbon emissions, trading carbon credits, or a hybrid system. The Carbon Pricing Policy Committee, comprising representa­tives from both federal and local government­al bodies in the country, convened in November 2023 and February 2024 to prepare a detailed study.

The study includes an evaluation of the available mechanisms, as well as an assessment of the long-term social and economic impacts. The Commitee also developed essential models crucial for analysing and appraising the study’s outcomes.

During the Council meeting, members discussed ways to improve collaborat­ion at the Federal level to effectivel­y tackle climate change and its impact.

The focus was on reducing emissions sustainabl­y and reaching climate neutrality. The meeting also covered the latest updates related to the National Dialogue for Climate Ambition, which will soon hold a new roundtable to discuss the aluminium sector.

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The first meeting of the UAE Council for Climate Action in 2024, was held virtually and chaired by Dr Amna Bint Abdullah Al Dahak.
↑ The first meeting of the UAE Council for Climate Action in 2024, was held virtually and chaired by Dr Amna Bint Abdullah Al Dahak.

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