Gulf Today

GMU hosts Annual Global Day celebratio­n

- Jamil Khan, Senior Reporter

Aj man: gulf medical university( gmu),uae’ s premier medical institutio­n, hosted its Annual Global Day celebratio­n, lighting up the Al Jurf campus with colorful neon lights and welcoming everyone to join the fun. Students and staff gathered excitedly to enjoy various activities, food stalls, and entertainm­ent. With students from 102 different countries taking part, the event shows GMU’S commitment to diversity and togetherne­ss. Through music, dance, and delicious food from around the world, Global Day celebrates the many cultures that make up the university’s community.

Prof. Hossam Hamdy, the Chancellor of GMU was the chief guest of GMU Global Day 2024. Accompanie­d by the Vice Chancellor­s and Deans, the Chancellor toured the exhibition where students had showcased the food and costumes, as well as other exhibits relevant to their culture and history. A total of 25 country pavilions displaying glimpses from the culture and heritage of various countries and serving traditiona­l food were set up at the University ground. Pavilions were set up by students of the UAE, other Middle East Countries, as well as Asian and African countries.

More than 1000 at en de es, including students, staff, families, and friends of the university, congregate­d at the University grounds to partake in the lively Global Day celebratio­ns. As part of the festivitie­s, students from six colleges vied for the esteemed title of the ‘Best Stall.’ Judges, comprising three faculty members, evaluated the stalls based on their creativity, presentati­on, and adherence to the event’s theme. The winners were chosen based on a comprehens­ive assessment, including online voting by the student community, taking into account the quality of their stall presentati­ons and offerings- showcasing the diverse talents of the GMU community.

Commending the dedication of the students, Prof. Hossam Hamdy expressed his appreciati­on for their efforts in making the annual Global Day a success. He highlighte­d the significan­ce of the event in uniting GMU’S students and staff, emphasisin­g the university’s commitment to embracing diversity through the theme of‘ unity in diversity ’. prof. ham dy emphasised the importance of such initiative­s in broadening students’ horizons and preparing them for prosperous careers on the global stage.

The evening also had colorful music and dance performanc­es by the students dressed in their respective­traditiona­l a tires and entertaini­ng the audience with some great displays of talent. Celebrated every year, the event gives the students an opportunit­y to display the essence of their ethnicitie­s and cultures, at the same time geting to know and appreciate each other’s culture.

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With students from 102 different countries taking part, the event shows GMU’S commitment to diversity and togetherne­ss.
↑ With students from 102 different countries taking part, the event shows GMU’S commitment to diversity and togetherne­ss.

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