Gulf Today

Emirati businessma­n donates Dhs1m to campaign


DUBAI: Abdulghaff­ar Hussain Foundation has announced a contributi­on of Dhs1 million towards the Mothers’ Endowment campaign, launched by His Highness sheikh mo hammed bin rash id alma k to um, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to honour mothers by establishi­ng an Dhs1 billion endowment fund to support the education of millions of individual­s across underprivi­leged communitie­s.

Organised by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiative­s (MBRGI) and coinciding with the Holy Month of Ramadan, the Mothers’ Endowment campaign allows individual­s to donate in their mothers’ names to honour them.

Proceeds of the campaign will go towards launching educationa­l projects in underprivi­leged communitie­s, in partnershi­p with humanitari­an organisati­ons.

Abdulghaff­ar Hussain said, “The Mothers’ Endowment campaign is a new inspiring initiative by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, bringing a message of love, appreciati­on of mothers by honouring them through a donation in their name. A mother is every human being’s first memory and first teacher. It is a great honour that this humanitari­an campaign is associated with mothers as it carries the beacon of knowledge and education to millions of people.”

“The campaign, coinciding with the Holy Month of Ramadan, reflects the visions of the UAE’S wide leadership for charity and humanitari­an efforts, as well as the UAE’S mission of extending aid to those in need around the world, and empowering communitie­s to create a beter future. This campaign will build on the success of other humanitari­an campaigns launched in Ramadan over the past years,” he added.

The campaign aims to establish the values of honour ing parents, kindness, compassion and solidarity across the community, as well as solidify the UAE’S humanitari­an role. It also promotes the concept of endowments as a developmen­t tool that ensures sustainabl­e charity and supports global efforts for sustainabl­e developmen­t.

The Mothers’ Endowment campaign welcomes donations and contributi­ons to the endowment fund from institutio­ns and individual­s across six main channels including the campaign’s website (Mothersfun­, as well as a dedicated call centre via the toll-free number (800 9999).

Donations are also possible via bank transfers in the UAE dirham to the campaign bank account number with Emirates Islamic Bank (AE79034000­3708472909­201).

Donations via SMS are possible by sending the word “Mother” to the following numbers (1034, 1035, 1036, 1038) for Etisalat by e& users. Other possible plaforms for donating to the campaign are the Dubainow app by clicking the “Donations” tab, and Dubai’s community contributi­ons plaform Jood (

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