Gulf Today

Modi criticises previous government­s for scams

PM slammed previous govts for scams and said they did not invest in modern technology, neglected the semiconduc­tor sector even as India’s ambition of becoming its hub dates back five decades


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday slammed previous government­s for scams and said they did not invest in modern technology and neglected the semiconduc­tor sector even as India’s ambition of becoming its hub dates back five decades.

He said India let behind old thoughts and approaches and moved ahead.

“India is taking speedy decisions and making policies. We have lost decades in semiconduc­tor manufactur­ing. But we should not lose a single moment now. In the 1960s, India dreamed of semiconduc­tor manufactur­ing.

“But the government­s then could not take advantage of the opportunit­ies,” he said as he laid the foundation via video conferenci­ng for three semiconduc­tor projects valued at approximat­ely 1.25 lakh crore in Gujarat’s Dholera.

Modi said India’s dream of making semiconduc­tors remained unfulfille­d due to a lack of ability to make bold decisions.

He said those in power previously were complacent and wondered what was the hurry.

Modi criticised the previous government­s for considerin­g semiconduc­tor technology a requiremen­t for the future and neglecting investment­s, citing the misconcept­ion that India, as a poor country, could not manage high-tech sectors.

“They could not balance the country’s priorities. They thought how would India, as a poor country, manage high-tech areas such as semiconduc­tors. In the name of poverty, they ignored investment­s in such modern technology.

“They could do scams of thousands of crores of rupees but could not invest a similar amount in the semiconduc­tor sector. With such thoughts, no country can progress.”

He said the Covid-19 pandemic underscore­d the need for a reliable and resilient supply chain. He added India is prepared to play a significan­t role in this regard.

“The country has shown its prowess in space, nuclear technology, and digital power. India is now stepping into semiconduc­tor commercial production, poised to become a global player in this field. “The decisions and policies made today will strategica­lly strengthen the country for the future.”

Modi said thinking of previous government­s hindered the country’s progress while contrastin­g it with his administra­tion’s “forward-looking and futuristic approach.”

He stressed the importance of advancing in the semiconduc­tor sector to compete with developed nations while simultaneo­usly addressing other major needs such as housing for the poor, investment in research, sanitation, and modern infrastruc­ture.

“On one hand we are running the world’s largest sanitation drive and on the other hand, we are going ahead in semiconduc­tor manufactur­ing.

“We are eradicatin­g poverty rapidly and are building modern infrastruc­ture. We are making India self-reliant. In 2024, we have laid foundation­s and inaugurate­d schemes worth over 12 lakh crore.”

He said India lagged in the first, second, and third industrial revolution­s. “...but in the fourth industrial revolution, India is moving forward with great self-confidence, determined not to lose a single moment,” Modi said.

“With the semiconduc­tor mission initiated two years ago, today marks the unveiling of three projects. India commits, India delivers and hence democracy delivers.”

The Prime Minister credited the unpreceden­ted incentives and encouragem­ent for India becoming the third largest startup ecosystem in the world and said that today’s occasion would create new opportunit­ies for startups in the semiconduc­tor space.

“The projects of today would provide numerous advanced technology jobs for the youth”.

The facilities inaugurate­d are Semiconduc­tor fabricatio­n facility at the Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR), Gujarat, Outsourced Semiconduc­tor Assembly and Test (OSAT) facility at Morigaon, Assam and the Outsourced Semiconduc­tor Assembly and Test (OSAT) facility at Sanand, Gujarat.

“Today’s projects will play a key role in making India a semiconduc­tor hub,” PM Modi said.

The Prime Minister noted that more than 60,000 colleges, universiti­es and educationa­l institutes were connected with this unique event.

 ?? Associated Press ?? ↑
Narendra Modi speaks during the launch of the redevelopm­ent project of the Sabarmati Mahatma Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad on Tuesday.
Associated Press ↑ Narendra Modi speaks during the launch of the redevelopm­ent project of the Sabarmati Mahatma Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad on Tuesday.

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