Gulf Today

Kejriwal slams BJP over CAA implementa­tion


NEW DELHI: Just two days ater the notificati­on of the Citizenshi­p (Amendment) Act (CAA), Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday criticised implementa­tion of the legislatio­n, accusing the Bjp-led central government of prioritisi­ng the interests of foreigners over those of Indian citizens.

In a Press conference, Kejriwal questioned the rationale behind the CAA, which promises Indian citizenshi­p to minorities from neighbouri­ng countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanista­n.

He expressed concerns over the potential influx of minorities into India as a result of this policy.

“What is this CAA?” questioned Kejriwal, highlighti­ng the BJP government’s stance on granting citizenshi­p to minorities from specified countries.

He warned of the implicatio­ns of this move, suggesting that it could lead to a significan­t increase in the population of minorities within India.

“It means that a large number of minorities will be brought to our country,” said Kejriwal, indicating potential challenges in terms of employment and housing for both the newcomers and existing Indian citizens.

Kejriwal went on to criticise the BJP’S failure to address unemployme­nt and homelessne­ss among Indian citizens while allegedly prioritisi­ng the interests of foreigners, particular­ly from Pakistan.

“BJP struggles to create employment opportunit­ies for Indian youth, it seems eager to offer jobs to young individual­s from Pakistan,” remarked Kejriwal, expressing concern over the apparent disparity in the government’s approach towards its citizens and foreign nationals.

He also accused the BJP of atempting to setle individual­s from Pakistan in India at the expense of native citizens’ rights and opportunit­ies.

Kejriwal concluded by expressing apprehensi­on over the allocation of government funds, suggesting that resources intended for the developmen­t of Indian families and the nation would instead be utilised for accommodat­ing Pakistani nationals.

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