Gulf Today

Sharif’s sons return to Pak after six years from London

- Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: Hussain and Hassan, sons of Pakistan Muslim League-nawaz (PML-N) supreme leader Nawaz Sharif, have returned to the country, six years ater they let for London to avoid arrest in corruption cases in the Panama Papers scandal.

Their return was made possible ater an accountabi­lity court had last week suspended their arrest warrants in three corruption cases related to Panama Papers. Like their father, both had been living in the United Kingdom in self-imposed exile.

The PML-N kept the arrival of Hussain and Hassan a “low-key” affair as the media was not informed about their return. Both landed at the Lahore airport from London and went to their Jati Umra residence.

Upon their arrival, Nawaz Sharif warmly welcomed his sons and their families. The homecoming of Hussain Nawaz and Hassan Nawaz comes amidst ongoing legal proceeding­s. Both the brothers are scheduled to appear in the accountabi­lity court in Islamabad on March 14.

The return of Nawaz Sharif’s sons is expected to garner significan­t atention, as it coincides with their scheduled court appearance. Their presence in Islamabad will likely be closely followed by media and observers, given the legal implicatio­ns surroundin­g the ongoing accountabi­lity proceeding­s.

Hussain and Hassan let the country in 2018 ater they were named in the corruption cases. They were declared proclaimed offenders for not joining the investigat­ion and court proceeding­s and subsequent­ly their arrest warrants were issued.

The Islamabad accountabi­lity court had suspended the arrest warrants of Hussain and Hasan till March 14 in the Avenfield apartments, Al-azizia and Flagship Investment references.

Through their counsel Qazi Misbahul Hassan, they had filed an applicatio­n seeking the suspension of warrants issued against them in these cases, which was accepted by the court.

The petitioner­s had said they wanted to surrender before the court “in good faith” in order to face the proceeding­s. They would appear before the court by March 14.

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