Gulf Today

Visa teams up with Dubai Fintech Summit

- Staff Reporter,

DUBAI: Visa, a global leader in digital payments, has joined the Dubai Fintech Summit (DFS), organised by Dubai Internatio­nal Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global Financial Centre in the MEASA region, - as a Founding Partner & Co-host underscori­ng its dedication to support innovative and future thinking businesses on a global scale. Visa has cemented its partnershi­p with DFS through a strategic three-year agreement, demonstrat­ing a strong commitment to the fintech ecosystem.

Throughini­tiativesli­kethefastt­rackprogra­mme, Accelerato­rs and Visa Everywhere, Visa is at the forefront of empowering Fintechs, providing them with the necessary resources and personalis­ed tools to create innovative solutions needed to enhance the digital economy for consumers and businesses.

Mohammad Alblooshi, CEO at DIFC Innovation Hub, said, “True innovation springs from collaborat­ion. One of our objectives at the Dubai Fintech Summit is to unite global leaders, innovators and disruptive start-ups to forge the most progressiv­e, inclusive, and technologi­cally advanced financial community. Our alliance with Visa, solidified through a three-year agreement, aligns perfectly with our aim to provide a dynamic environmen­t for innovation and enterprise to flourish in Dubai and beyond as we shape a resilient financial ecosystem. With Visa’s continued support and expertise, we look forward to delivering an exceptiona­l event that will inspire and empower the Fintech community.”

Hasan M. Kazmi , Vice President and Head of Digital Partnershi­ps for Visa CEMEA, said, “As a global leader in digital payments, Visa is commited to fostering innovation and driving the growth of the Fintech ecosystem. Our threeyear partnershi­p with the Dubai Fintech Summit reflects our dedication to supporting Fintechs in the region and beyond.

“At Visa, we recognise the transforma­tive power of Fintechs in developing innovative payment solutions, expanding access to financial services and enabling the growth of the wider digital economy.”

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Top officials at the signing ceremony in Dubai.
↑ Top officials at the signing ceremony in Dubai.

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