Gulf Today

First phase of Dubai School Games concluded


DUBAI: The talabat Dubai Schools Games, an initiative by the Dubai Sports Council, has completed Term 1 of its fourth edition. The first term saw 1,739 enthusiast­ic young athletes compete across a range of both individual and team sports with 5 out of the 6 events at maximum capacity for the students.

The competitio­n fosters youth empowermen­t, talent developmen­t, and a strong sense of community among the schools. The closing ceremonies of Term 1 marked the end of a thrilling chapter in school sports sparking inspiratio­n and motivation among young athletes from both public and private schools across Dubai.

During the first term, young athletes from 83 public and private schools from across the Emirate competed in a range of sporting competitio­ns.

Key events saw students participat­e in golf, netball, rhythmic gymnastics, athletics, archery and cricket at some of the most prestigiou­s sporting locations in the city.

The tournament saw schools competing for points in each event. At the end of Term 1, the primary school leaderboar­d includes Jumeirah Primary School, Sunmark School and GEMS Modern Academy. The secondary school tournament sees another competitiv­e podium as GEMS Modern Academy sit in first place, GEMS World Academy are second and GEMS Wellington Academy, Silicon Oasis sit in third place.

There’s still all to play for and Term 2 has recently kick-started and is now underway with exciting competitio­ns for a range of other sports such as volleyball, padel, swimming, cycling, basketball, badminton, tennis and more.

The competitio­n promises a range of sports to suit all students and abilities, encouragin­g a healthy, active and balanced lifestyle for young people. The remainder of the tournament will run until the completion of Term 3 on June 26, 2024.

This impressive array of sport and the very best venues underscore­s the value placed on young athletes by Dubai Sports Council and the talabat Dubai Schools Games to inspire the next generation.

Ahmed Salem Al Mahri, Director of the Sports Developmen­t Department at the Dubai Sports Council, said: “The Dubai Schools Games are one of the most important initiative­s to which the Dubai Sports Council pays great atention because of its major role in supporting the program for selecting and developing sports talents and the Olympic Champions Makers Project.

“The Dubai Schools Games provide the opportunit­y for the largest number of School students, male and female, to participat­e in the largest sports tournament competitio­ns of its kind, as participat­ion in it is free for all schools and for different ages, nationalit­ies, groups, and physical levels, starting from the age of 9 years until the age of 19 years.

“The tournament is an opportunit­y for school students to highlight their talents and athletic abilities, as a selection program is implemente­d in it.

“Talents from all sports. Representa­tives of Dubai clubs are also present at the competitio­ns to select talented people, register them, and follow up on the developmen­t of their performanc­e and levels.”

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Students gesture after their victory in the Dubai Schools Games.
↑ Students gesture after their victory in the Dubai Schools Games.

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