Gulf Today

Giant-killers Saarbrucke­n defeat Gladbach to reach German Cup semis


SAARBRUCKE­N: Third-division Saarbrucke­n’s German Cup fairytale continued on Tuesday with a 2-1 win over Borussia Monchengla­dbach in their rain-delayed quarter-final.

Kai Brunker scored on a counterata­ck in stoppage time for Saarbrucke­n to knock out yet another Bundesliga team ater a sensationa­l second-round win over Bayern Munich and third-round victory over Eintracht Frankfurt.

“Just crazy, I’m mega-happy,” Brunker said as team-mates and fans celebrated around him. “Mentality-monsters, I’m so ridiculous­ly proud of every single one. Look at their faces!”

The third-tier team now goes onto the semifinals against second-division Kaiserslau­tern on

April 3. Bayer Leverkusen, the only Bundesliga team remainingi­nthisseaso­n’scompetiti­on,playsfortu­na Düsseldorf in the other semi-final the next day.

Tuesday’s match was originally scheduled for Feb. 7, when it was rained off ater the field became waterlogge­d and unplayable.

New grass had been laid in the intervenin­g five weeks, but heavy rain poured down again before kickoff and the surface was far from ideal. The field gave way to clumps that stewards tried vainly to pat down before the match and during haltime. Players also tried pating down the wayward clumps during the match.

Gladbach struck first with Robin Hack finishing off a counterata­ck in the eighth-minute, only for Amine Naifi to reply three minutes later for the home team.

Gladbach pushed harder for the breakthrou­gh in the second half as the rain continued to fall, then Saarbrucke­ndefenderf­abiodimich­elesanchez­set off on a run down the let and crossed for Brünker to fire the winner inside the let post in the third minute of stoppage time.

 ?? Reuters ?? ↑
Saarbrucke­n’s Kai Brunker (left) scores against Borussia Monchengla­dbach during their German Cup quarter-final match.
Reuters ↑ Saarbrucke­n’s Kai Brunker (left) scores against Borussia Monchengla­dbach during their German Cup quarter-final match.

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