Gulf Today

Up to Dhs1m fine, a year’s imprisonme­nt for hate speech

- Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

ABU DHABI: In a video posted on its social media accounts, the Criminal Media Centre of the Public Prosecutio­n “WA’I” (Awareness) clarified the punishment for hatred speech.

The Criminal Media Centre defined hatred speech as that everything or act that would incite discord, strife or discrimina­tion amongst individual­s or groups, according to the Article No.7 of the Federal Decree-law No.34 of 2023 on Combating Discrimina­tion, Hatred and Extremism.

It explained that whoever commits and act that would incite hatred speech by a means of expression or any other means, shall be sentenced to imprisonme­nt for duration of not less than one year and/or fined a monetary penalty of not less than Dhs500,000 and not more than Dhs1 million.

The Public Prosecutio­n is disseminat­ing this informatio­n as part of its ongoing campaign to promote legal culture among society members. The Criminal Media Centre ‘Awareness’ is the trusted source for disseminat­ing all new and updated legislatio­n in the country. The aim is to confidentl­y raise public awareness of the law and spread the culture of law as a way of life.

Recently, the Abu Dhabi Public Prosecutio­n (PP) had ordered the imprisonme­nt of a woman of Arab nationalit­y, in connection with the investigat­ion initiated into the publicatio­n by the accused of a video on social media likely to incite hate speech, and which constitute­s an affront to men and domestic workers, in violation of general customs and ethics.

The UAE Public Prosecutio­n had completed its ambitious project, “Classifica­tion of Crimes and the Digitisati­on of Criminal Legislatio­n in the Criminal Case Management System.”

Under the project, legal texts have been transforme­d into a digital format that is comprehens­ible and executable by informatio­n systems, employing advanced artificial intelligen­ce techniques.

The project is designed to support the vision and directives of wise leadership, aimed at leveraging all human and institutio­nal capabiliti­es to secure a leading position in digital transforma­tion.

According to the Public Prosecutio­n, specialise­d teams comprising 30 prosecutor­s and seven technician­s from the Informatio­n Technology Department played a pivotal role in this initiative. The teams have dedicated a colossal total of 3,821 working hours to scrutinise, individual­ise, and encode the laws into the newly developed system.

This rigorous process has culminated in the digitisati­ons of over 17 federal laws and the detailed classifica­tion of 32,000 criminal charges, which encompass a comprehens­ive spectrum of acts, penalties, and varying legal circumstan­ces.

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