Gulf Today

Dubai police launch awareness workshop


DUBAI: The Awareness and Rehabilita­tion Section at the Internatio­nal Hemaya Centre of the General Department of Anti-narcotics at Dubai Police joined forces with the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai and the General Department of Community Happiness at Dubai Police to deliver informativ­e workshops for fasting individual­s.

These workshops focused on drug-related issues, associated risks, and reporting procedures.

The workshops were held at various Ramadan Itar tents, including the Rashid Bin Mohammed Masjid tent in Al Hudaiba area, the Al Shuhada Masjid tent in Al Muhaisnah area, and Masjid Al Rwashed tent in Al Ttay area.

The target audience for these workshops was over 2000 people.

Colonel Dr Abdulrahma­n Sharaf Al Maamari, Director of the Internatio­nal Hemaya centre, emphasised that the workshops are part of the ongoing collaborat­ive efforts and coordinati­on between Dubai’s Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department.

He further highlighte­d that these workshops, conducted during the Holy Month of Ramadan, aim to reinforce values of compassion, unity, and mutual support.

He emphasised that the workshops provide an ideal plaform to raise awareness among labour communitie­s, delivering informativ­e messages in both English and Urdu languages.

Colonel Al Maamari indicated the workshops cover security and awareness guidelines regarding the dangers of drugs and their social, security, and behavioura­l impacts, as well as Article 89 of the UAE Anti-narcotics Law.

“These workshops emphasise the importance of open communicat­ion channels to foster trust between the police and the community, including the 901 call centre,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, First Lieutenant Saif Mohammed Al Khor, Acting Head of the Awareness and Rehabilita­tion Section, emphasised that the Section operates in alignment with Dubai Police’s strategy, which aims to promote a culture of security among all citizens and residents of Dubai.

He highlighte­d that the Section collaborat­es with partners to organise field visits and deliver informativ­e workshops and lectures, addressing the harmful effects of drugs and their psychologi­cal and social impact on individual­s and society.

First Lieutenant Al Khor added, “These initiative­s target labour communitie­s, recognisin­g their significan­ce due to their diverse cultures and languages.”

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The workshops at various Iftar tents focused on drug-related issues, associated risks, and reporting procedures.
↑ The workshops at various Iftar tents focused on drug-related issues, associated risks, and reporting procedures.

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