Gulf Today

Foundation marks 18 years of humanitari­an impact


ABU DHABI: Under the directives and support of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the direct supervisio­n of His Highness Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Presidenti­al Court, and Chairman of the Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation, the foundation continues its humanitari­an and developmen­tal efforts for the eighteenth consecutiv­e year.

It has achieved a qualitativ­e leap in its humanitari­an and developmen­tal work through health and education initiative­s at both local and internatio­nal levels, which represent a fundamenta­l axis in the foundation’s overall strategy, positionin­g it prominentl­y on the global humanitari­an map.

Healthin line with the vision of the Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation to support scientific research and developmen­t, and to build cooperatio­n and partnershi­ps with leading scientific institutio­ns in research fields, the foundation has signed a memorandum of understand­ing with the Mayo Clinic. This memorandum facilitate­s the dispatch of Emirati doctors to pursue further study and specialisa­tion in medicine in the United States.

Consequent­ly, training will be provided to 20 Emirati medical personnel, including students from medical colleges, in leadership and medical care over various years for a period of two weeks at a total cost of Dhs2.6 million.

The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation has constructe­d the Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Hospital in Nukus, with a capacity of 80 beds, expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025. The hospital specialise­s in obstetrics and gynaecolog­y, and includes an emergency department, and 12 outpatient clinics, with a total cost of Dhs99 million.

The foundation has focused on vocational education initiative­s, considerin­g it a fundamenta­l strategy in its humanitari­an education initiative­s to address unemployme­nt issues. It has adopted innovative vocational educationa­l curricula to equip students with the required skills and abilities in scientific and practical fields.

In this regard, the foundation has implemente­d the Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Vocational Education and Training Centre project in Mbour, Senegal, expected to be completed in the second quarter of the current year 2024. It will serve 1000 students in various majors such as mechanics, automotive electrical systems, accounting, air conditioni­ng and refrigerat­ion, at a cost of Dhs 13 million.

Additional­ly, in India, the foundation has undertaken the maintenanc­e and modernisat­ion project of vocational education centres in the “Tirur” and “Edavanna” areas, along with the constructi­on of a building for internal classrooms in the “Kasaragod” District. It has also establishe­d a computer lab in the vocational education centre in the “Thrissur” and “Kaprassery” regions.

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