Gulf Today

Empowering youth key role of Muslim Council of Elders

A standout initiative by the Muslim Council of Elders to nurture young people’s abilities and refine their skills in peace-making and human coexistenc­e is the Emerging Peacemaker­s Forum


The Muslim Council of Elders, chaired by the Grand Imam of Al-azhar Dr. Ahmed Al-tayeb, significan­tly focuses on empowering youth and enhancing their skills to meet global challenges. This commitment stems from the Council’s belief in the crucial role of youth in fostering peace and promoting coexistenc­e, viewing them as the backbone of nations and their promising future.

A standout initiative by the Muslim Council of Elders to nurture young people’s abilities and refine their skills in peace-making and human coexistenc­e is the Emerging Peacemaker­s Forum. The first edition of this forum was launched in London in 2018, organised by the Council in collaborat­ion with Al-azhar and the Archbishop of Canterbury. The second edition was held in July 2023 in Geneva, Switzerlan­d, in partnershi­p with the World Council of Churches and the Rose Castle Foundation, each welcoming 50 young participan­ts from around the globe.

The forum serves as a dialogue plaform for young individual­s aged 18 to 30, who are committed to developing innovative and lasting solutions for peace in communitie­s. It aims to empower young people to initiate national and regional peace-building projects and to disseminat­e the principles of tolerance and human fraternity.

In its endeavour to spread and reinforce the values of human fraternity, tolerance, and coexistenc­e among the youth, the Council launched the Global Student Dialogues on Human Fraternity programme in cooperatio­n with Georgetown University. This programme aims to familiaris­e university students with human fraternity values and create a global network for students to exchange creative ideas that advance interrelig­ious and intercultu­ral solidarity in societies.

The programme’s second phase was conducted in Abu Dhabi, the UAE’S capital, engaging university students and graduates from prestigiou­s universiti­es worldwide, representi­ng 8 countries and 5 faiths and denominati­ons. They advanced the student dialogues focused on bolstering human fraternity within academic communitie­s, addressing the challenges to fostering human fraternity concepts and values in academic environmen­ts. Moreover, the programme spotlighte­d positive practices in this realm and proposed innovative ideas to foster a dialogue and communicat­ion culture within universiti­es, marking a step towards global disseminat­ion of these values by the youth.

In its commitment to youth support across various domains, the Muslim Council of Elders has prioritise­d enhancing youth participat­ion in numerous events and initiative­s. These include dialogue sessions held at the Faith Pavilion during COP28, the Muslim Council of Elders’ pavilion at various internatio­nal book fairs, and the inaugural Human Fraternity Majlis organised this year. This Majlis was establishe­d in cooperatio­n with the Abrahamic Family House, the UAE’S Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistenc­e, and the Higher Commitee of Human Fraternity. Moreover, programmes such as the “Islam and the West: Diversity and Integratio­n” conference, the historic signing of the Document on Human Fraternity, the “Arab Media Gathering for Human Fraternity”, and the Internatio­nal Day of Human Fraternity were emphasised.

Furthermor­e, the Council initiated a Ramadan programme in 2023 and 2024 to highlight the contributi­ons of youth to peacebuild­ing and to spotlight positive examples worldwide that have facilitate­d peace in their communitie­s. It organised several competitio­ns to encourage youth to positively engage and develop innovative solutions for contempora­ry challenges, including climate issues. In conjunctio­n with the Faith Pavilion at COP28, the Council launched a global competitio­n aimed at igniting innovation among youth and urging them to create impactful solutions that evolve into sustainabl­e projects addressing the climate crisis in their communitie­s. This competitio­n included categories such as climate change and climate justice, capacity building related to climate education and training, and the role of religions in addressing climate change, with four projects winning from 50 entries from 11 countries globally.

The Muslim Council of Elders remains dedicated to supporting and empowering youth through supporting inspiring models and constructi­ve ideas that foster peaceful coexistenc­e between cultures and religions.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
The Muslim Council of Elders has prioritise­d enhancing youth participat­ion in numerous events and initiative­s.
WAM ↑ The Muslim Council of Elders has prioritise­d enhancing youth participat­ion in numerous events and initiative­s.

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