Gulf Today

Symbol of compassion


ABU DHABI: Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, Chairman of the UAE Fatwa Council and Head of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, highlighte­d the enduring influence of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan as a positive role model for generation­s, emphasisin­g his commitment to serving the nation and aiding others.

Sheikh Zayed’s legacy of leadership and humanitari­an efforts has establishe­d him as a global symbol of wisdom, compassion, and philanthro­py, embodying the values of tolerance.

In a statement on the occasion of the Zayed Humanitari­an Day, Bin Bayyah praised the ongoing efforts to uphold Sheikh Zayed’s values under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, noting the UAE’S unwavering support for global humanitari­an causes regardless of the circumstan­ces, which reflects the enduring legacy of Sheikh Zayed.

He mentioned that Sheikh Zayed’s values and positive attributes are currently being reinforced and maintained most effectivel­y during the reign of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

He also noted that the UAE extends its assistance worldwide, particular­ly during times of crises such as pandemics, earthquake­s, floods, or wars, without any form of discrimina­tion, thereby upholding the enduring principles and approach of the late Sheikh Zayed.

He highlighte­d that some of the UAE’s significan­t humanitari­an projects include the “Mohamed Bin Zayed Water Initiative” and the “Mothers’ Endowment Initiative, the Chivalrous Knight” aimed at assisting Palestinia­ns by delivering essential aid such as water, food, and medicine.

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