Gulf Today

ADAFSA reduces food loss and waste


ABU DHABI: The Abu Dhabi Agricultur­e and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has affirmed its commitment to reducing food loss and waste (FLW) across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This is part of the Food Loss and Waste Reduction Strategy launched last year, along with the accompanyi­ng awareness campaign “Together Blessings Last”. The strategy aims to encourage positive behaviour among all segments of society to reduce FLW.

This FLW strategy is part of efforts to achieve the objectives of the UAE National Food Security Strategy, which aims to reduce FLW by 50 per cent by 2030, in line with the UN Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal on responsibl­e production and consumptio­n.

The strategy includes many initiative­s and programmes, foremost of which is the awareness campaign under the theme “Together Blessings Last” aimed at changing behaviour regarding food production and consumptio­n from farm to table, and implementi­ng training programmes for workers in food agricultur­al establishm­ents. Additional­ly, it includes awareness campaigns targeting various segments of society, urging them to rationalis­e consumptio­n and reduce waste to ensure food security sustainabi­lity, as good practices in handling food help to reduce food spoilage, which is one of the most important causes of FLW throughout the food chain.

Additional­ly, ADAFSA has launched several initiative­s, programmes and awareness campaigns to reduce FLW, starting with food production and consumptio­n from farm to fork. In the area of animal wealth, ADAFSA launched the Fodder Market Programme, which is linked to production based on livestock ownership indicators. This programme has resulted in a significan­t reduction in food waste and optimal use of production inputs. The programme also introduced a new feed compositio­n for ruminants of 50 percent concentrat­es and 50 percent forage. This reduces the FLW of feed and provides a good economic and production return for farmers.

ADAFSA has also launched the Innovative Solution for Broiler Feeding initiative, which aims to reduce feed costs and manage feed programmes to achieve food sustainabi­lity and food security. Animal feed is the biggest constraint to livestock developmen­t and high production and import costs. In addition, ADAFSA works with strategic partners such as the Department of Municipali­ties and Transport and charitable organisati­ons such as the Red Crescent and the Bin Ham Foundation to ensure the safe and healthy disposal of brucellosi­s-infected animals.

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