Gulf Today

DEWA awards winners of 2nd cycle of Cleantech Hackathon

The 2nd cycle of the Cleantech Hackathon, launched by the Innovation Centre of DEWA, atracted over 160 candidates from 25 nationalit­ies and 20 universiti­es worldwide


The 2nd cycle of the Cleantech Hackathon, launched by the Innovation Centre of Dubai Electricit­y and Water Authority (DEWA), atracted over 160 candidates from 25 nationalit­ies and 20 universiti­es worldwide.

The candidates aimed to create positive change and accelerate the energy transition. The Hackathon enjoyed significan­t competitio­n from 50 participat­ing innovators, university students and specialist­s in sustainabl­e innovation­s in energy, digital transforma­tion, elevating the efficiency and reliabilit­y of clean and renewable energy, and integratin­g clean and renewable energy sources with other energy systems. Participan­ts were evaluated on their innovation and social, economic, and environmen­tal impact. The Hackathon concluded its activities by awarding three winners with valuable monetary prizes.

“We support the wise leadership’s vision to empower and encourage the youth and provide them with the necessary tools to become the pillars to build a brighter future. This supports the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and the Dubai Net Zero Carbon Emissions Strategy 2050 to provide 100% of Dubai’s total power production capacity from clean energy sources by 2050. We are keen to include the youth in sustainabl­e developmen­t and encourage them to develop innovative solutions to combat the effects of climate change. This consolidat­es the position of the UAE and Dubai as an innovation hub and an incubator for innovators,” said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA.

“Through the Innovation Centre, DEWA aims to raise awareness on sustainabi­lity, hone national capabiliti­es, and enhance business competitiv­eness in this promising sector,” said Waleed Bin Salman, Executive Vice President of Business Developmen­t and Excellence at DEWA.

Structured around three main tracks, the competitio­n focused on optimising the efficiency and cost-effectiven­ess of clean energy sources, ensuring the reliabilit­y and stability of renewable energy, and integratin­g renewable energy seamlessly into existing systems. These tracks contribute to maximising efficiency, overcoming intermitte­ncy challenges, and innovative­ly addressing energy storage, distributi­on, and smart grid technologi­es. Separately, Dubai Electricit­y and Water Authority (DEWA) has won six awards at the Dubai Government Excellence Programme (DGEP) Awards 2024 including the Elite Award and the Best People-of-determinat­ion-friendly Government Entity award. In the Dubai Excellence Medals categories, DEWA’S employees won the Dubai Medal for Innovative Employee, Dubai Medal for Specialise­d Employee, Dubai Medal for Young Employee, and special recognitio­n for the Unknown Soldier.

Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of DEWA, praised the winners’ efforts and encouraged them to continue their journey of excellence, seting an example for their colleagues to contribute towards DEWA’S vision to be a globally leading sustainabl­e innovative corporatio­n commited to achieving net-zero by 2050.

Al Tayer emphasised that the Dubai Government Excellence Programme Awards has stimulated positive competitio­n among government organisati­ons and department­s in Dubai. It encourages them to adopt sustainabl­e excellence by institutio­nalising excellence within the framework of total quality management and sustainabl­e excellence standards.

This elevates the standards of government work to the highest internatio­nal standards and achieves the happiness of customers and society as a whole.

“DEWA has won six awards in the DGEP 2024 and maintained its position in the Elite category. This is the culminatio­n of our efforts to uphold the vision and directives of the wise leadership. To us, excellence is a daily work programme that is implemente­d according to specific strategies and plans to develop work mechanisms and provide quality services that achieve the happiness of our customers and stakeholde­rs and exceed their expectatio­ns. I commend our employees for their efforts and dedication to achieving the highest levels of excellence. In line with the directives of our wise leadership, we will continue the journey of excellence and leadership to elevate government services to the highest internatio­nal standards,” added Al Tayer.

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The Hackathon concluded its activities by awarding three winners with valuable monetary prizes.
↑ The Hackathon concluded its activities by awarding three winners with valuable monetary prizes.

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