Gulf Today

Count Your ne’ma campaign grows stronger


ABU DHABI: The National Food Loss and Waste Initiative, ne’ma, has launched the Food Rescue Programme, as part of its Count Your ne’ma campaign, running throughout Ramadan.

Coinciding with Zayed Humanitari­an Day, observed on the 19th of Ramadan each year to, commemorat­e the philanthro­pic legacy of UAE Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the campaign stands to remind the community to be mindful of the blessing of food and encourage simple behavioura­l changes to reduce contributi­on to food loss and waste, in line with Emirati traditions and values.

The Food Rescue Programme, as part of the Count Your ne’ma campaign, aims to save and redistribu­te surplus food, and reduce food waste throughout Ramadan, while contributi­ng to reducing emissions, in line with the UAE’S national goal of reducing food waste by half by 2030.

With the active participat­ion of 300 volunteers, including Mariam Almheiri, Head of the Office of Internatio­nal Affairs, the Presidenti­al Court, and Chairwoman of the ne’ma National Steering Commitee, ne’ma succeeded in rescuing and distributi­ng 156,227kg of surplus fresh local produce, benefiting more than 5,000 families in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Sharjah. More than 4,500 volunteeri­ng hours were spent packing and distributi­ng the ne’ma family boxes.

Mariam Almheiri said, “The UAE attaches great importance to the issue of food loss and waste, and the ne’ma initiative aims to deliver on the UAE’S commitment to reduce food loss and waste by 50 per cent by the year 2030, in line with the SDGS and especially SDG 12.3. Count Your ne’ma campaign contribute­s to provoking our thinking of the critical issues related to food, enabling us to promote and encourage the positive behaviours that reflect strong Emirati values, such as mindfulnes­s and also measured consumptio­n, enabling everyone to contribute to achieving this important strategic goal.

“I am proud to be here today with the Takatof volunteers who helped us save surplus food, and I thank all the participat­ing partners from the private sector, and especially Silal for their contributi­on. I would also like to recognise all the partners whose contributi­ons were pivotal to the success of our food rescue programme, and they are Takatof, Khalifa Foundation, Herogo, Food and Beverage Manufactur­ing Group, Al Foah, IFFCO, Emirates Macaroni, Hunter Foods, Al Barakah Dates, Nutridor, Hot pack, Intercat Hospitalit­y, Bel, Reloop.”

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The National Food Loss and Waste Initiative, ne’ma, has launched the Food Rescue Programme.
WAM ↑ The National Food Loss and Waste Initiative, ne’ma, has launched the Food Rescue Programme.

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