Gulf Today

Group hosts Iftars, activities for people of determinat­ion

Guests from diverse background­s pledge their support and promise to take further steps to assist these children and their families

- Jamil Khan,

In two different events, a large number of people of determinat­ion of different age groups along with their family members atended the special Itars and enjoyed a variety of activities.

To fostering inclusivit­y and happiness, Dar Al Ber Society has organised Itar in Dubai, aimed to spread joy, raise awareness, and celebrate the remarkable achievemen­ts of these special individual­s.

The primary objective of the gathering was to integrate the families of people of determinat­ion into mainstream society, while also highlighti­ng their unique talents and addressing the challenges they face.

Guests from diverse background­s, including government officials, business leaders, entreprene­urs, media personalit­ies, and socialites, pledged their support and promised to take further steps to assist these children and their families.

The children seized the opportunit­y to capture memories with selfies and received special gits, including personal hygiene items, educationa­l toys, jewellery, chocolates, ecofriendl­y items, stationary and grocery rations etc. The highlight was each child had the chance to showcase their talents, ranging from creating artwork to reciting verses from the Quran and discuss their achievemen­ts and challenges, fostering a sense of pride and encouragem­ent. Suhail Al Muheiri, CEO of Dar Al Ber Society UAE, expressed his hearfelt sentiments, stating, “Witnessing the joy and gratitude of the children and families at our Special Itar event was truly heartwarmi­ng.”

“Our commitment to organising Itar for Children with Special Needs stems from our belief in inclusivit­y and compassion. Every smile, every interactio­n, and every moment shared reaffirms our dedication to creating a more inclusive society where everyone feels welcomed and valued. We are honored to serve and support these remarkable individual­s and their families, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to spread happiness and create positive change in our community.”

Volunteers from various background­s contribute­d their efforts, making it a truly joyous occasion.

Guests, especially the families of Children of Determinat­ion, expressed their appreciati­on for the event’s impact.

Meanwhile, as Ramadan, the month of giving and mercy, unfolds, Mercato seized the opportunit­y to spread joy by hosting a special Itar event for Students of Determinat­ion from the Rashid Centre for People of Determinat­ion.

The event, held at Mercato, welcomed over 20 students and their families who gathered to enjoy a delighful Itar experience courtesy of Shake Shack restaurant.

The evening was further enhanced with entertainm­ent featuring mascot characters and gits generously provided by Toys R Us store.

Each child received a personalis­ed git bag, aiming to bring smiles and happiness to their faces.

Nisreen Boustani, PR & Corporate Communicat­ions Manager of Mercato and Town Centre Jumeirah, expressed her delight in hosting such a meaningful event.

“It has been a pleasure to extend our hospitalit­y to the People of Determinat­ion from Rashid

Centre. Our objective is simple to bring joy and a sense of belonging to these children, making them feel an integral part of our society. Mercato remains commited to fostering inclusivit­y and spreading happiness within the community, particular­ly during the Holy Month of Ramadan.”

Recently, a global firm announced the distributi­on of 1,000 Itar meal boxes to blue-collar workers in Dubai, in partnershi­p with renowned charity Bait Al Khair Society.

The Optimum Nutrition employees volunteere­d to deliver the Itar boxes themselves, illustrati­ng a great sense of solidarity among community members. Commenting on the initiative, Satyavrat Pendharkar VP of Glanbia in Greater China, South Asia & Middle East said: “At Optimum Nutrition, we believe human potential is immense. Each one of us is a transforma­tive power who can positively impact society through simple gestures, such as distributi­ng hot meals to blue collar workers, most of whom live away from their families in modest conditions.”

 ?? Kamal Kassim/ Gulf Today ?? ↑
Dar Al Ber Society aims to spread joy, raise awareness, and celebrate the remarkable achievemen­ts of these special individual­s.
Kamal Kassim/ Gulf Today ↑ Dar Al Ber Society aims to spread joy, raise awareness, and celebrate the remarkable achievemen­ts of these special individual­s.

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