Gulf Today

Biden acknowledg­es pain of Arab Americans over Gaza war

US president says he is working to increase humanitari­an aid into Gaza, free hostages taken by Hamas and establish an immediate ceasefire lasting at least six weeks


Joe Biden on Friday acknowledg­ed “the pain being felt” by many Arab Americans over the war in Gaza and over US support of Israel and its military offensive that has let Arabs, Muslims and anti-war activists angry and disappoint­ed.

Many Muslims and Arabs in the United States have urged the Democratic president to call for a permanent ceasefire, stop the sale of weapons to Israel and use more leverage to protect civilian lives as a humanitari­an crisis unfolds in Gaza.

“We must also pause to reflect on the pain being felt by so many in the Arab American community with the war in Gaza,” Biden said in a proclamati­on on Arab American Heritage Month released by the White House, adding he was “devastated” by the suffering.

However, hours ater Biden’s Friday statement, the Washington Post reported that his government had signed off on additional bombs and warplanes for Israel in recent days worth billions of dollars.

Israel is the leading recipient of US foreign aid, and the US vetoed multiple votes at the United Nations calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza assault, before abstaining from a vote in late March.

The Biden administra­tion has issued proclamati­ons since 2021 ahead of April, which is observed as Arab American Heritage Month. This year’s proclamati­on was longer than previous ones due to Biden’s comments on Gaza.

Protests demanding a ceasefire in Gaza have occurred in many US cities in recent months, including near airports and bridges in New York City and Los Angeles, vigils outside the White House and marches in Washington.

Demonstrat­ors have regularly interrupte­d Biden’s campaign events and speeches, including a high profile fundraiser in New York City on Thursday.

They have asked Biden to meet their demands or risk losing their support in November’s election.

Arab and Muslim Americans are unlikely to back Biden’s rival, Republican former President Donald Trump, but observers note they could sit out the election and deny Biden crucial votes. They had overwhelmi­ngly supported Biden in 2020. Biden said on Friday he was working to increase humanitari­an aid into Gaza, free hostages taken by Hamas and establish an immediate ceasefire lasting at least six weeks.

Biden also said Arab Americans have been a target of hate crimes while noting the fatal October stabbing of 6-year-old Palestinia­n American Wadea Al Fayoume in Illinois, the November shooting of three students of Palestinia­n descent in Vermont, and the February stabbing of a Palestinia­n American man in Texas.

Palestinia­n group Hamas atacked Israel on Oct.7, killing 1,200 people, according to Israeli tallies. Israel’s subsequent military assault on Hamas-governed Gaza has killed over 32,000 people, according to the local health ministry, displaced nearly all of its 2.3 million population, put the enclave on the brink of starvation and led to accusation­s of genocide that Israel denies.

Meanwhile, the Palestine Red Crescent said five people were killed and dozens wounded by gunfire and a stampede during an aid delivery on Saturday in northern Gaza, where famine looms. A video footage showed a convoy of trucks moving past burning debris near the distributi­on point in pre-dawn darkness as people shout and gunfire echoes — some of which was warning shots, witnesses said.

The Red Crescent said it happened after thousands of people gathered for the arrival of around 15 trucks of flour and other food, which was supposed to be handed out at Gaza City’s Kuwait roundabout, in the territory’s north.

The roundabout has been the scene of several chaotic and deadly aid distributi­on incidents, including one on March 23 in which the Hamas-run government said 21 people were killed by Israeli fire — a charge Israel denied.

The Red Crescent said three of the five killed early on Saturday had been shot.

Eyewitness­es told reporters that Gazans overseeing the aid delivery shot in the air, but Israeli troops in the area also opened fire and some moving trucks hit people trying to get the food.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? ↑
Palestinia­n children fetch water in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday.
Agence France-presse ↑ Palestinia­n children fetch water in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday.

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