Gulf Today

Police file over 9,000-page chargeshee­t in Newsclick case


NEW DELHI: The Special Cell of Delhi Police on Saturday filed its first charge sheet running into over 9,000 pages against Newsclick Founder and Editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayasth­a under the provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) over allegation­s that the news portal took money to spread pro-china propaganda.

During the hearing, Special Public Prosecutor­s Advocate Akhand Pratap Singh and Suraj Rathi requested the court for a later date on the issue of cognisance of the charge sheet.

They stated that sanctions under Section 45 of UAPA and Section 196 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC) were awaited, which would be filed in the form of a supplement­ary charge sheet very soon.

Along with Prabir Purkayasth­a, PPK Newsclick Studio Pvt Ltd (news portal) has also been made an accused.

Additional Sessions Judge, Hardeep Kaur, of the Patiala House Court has fixed the mater for April 16 for arguments on whether to take cognisance of the charge sheet.

The judicial custody of Prabir Purkayasth­a and Amit Chakravart­y, the HR head of Newsclick has also been extended.

On Jan.9, the court granted permission to Amit Chakravart­y to become an approver in the case ater he had filed an applicatio­n seeking pardon.

He claimed to possess material informatio­n, which he was willing to disclose to the Delhi Police.

According to official sources, the charge sheet also contains informatio­n regarding 480 electronic devices confiscate­d during the various raids conducted during the probe.

Prabir Purkayasth­a has been accused of accepting foreign funds to destabilis­e the country, sources said.

The sources also told IANS that Prabir Purkayasth­a has been identified as the primary suspect, while Amit Chakravart­y has been granted the role of a witness.

The charge sheet alleges that Prabir Purkayasth­a accepted funds to undermine the stability of the nation by fabricatin­g narratives and atempting to disrupt the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the sources said.

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