Gulf Today

Indian developers’ land transactio­n values up by 46 per cent last year

Indian developers are building a robust supply pipeline by investing in land acquisitio­ns across the country


Indian real estate (realty) developers have acquired an estimated 1,947 acres of land involving an investment of Rs322 billion in 2023 across the country and the average transacted value of the land per acre rose by 46 per cent over the previous year, according to a comprehens­ive land transactio­n survey by JLL, internatio­nal property consultant­s.

As the real estate sector is on a steep growth curve, Indian developers are building a robust supply pipeline by investing in land acquisitio­ns across the country.

In 2022, the land area acquired was 1,603 acres by various developers valued at Rs18,112 crore. There has been a 78 per cent increase in the value of land acquired by real estate developers. In all, last year witnessed 111 deals involving developmen­t potential of 176 million sqt.

While the value of the land has been estimated at Rs32,203 crore by real estate developers in 2023 as compared to 1,603 acres in 2022, (valued at Rs18,112 crore), up by 21 per cent y-o-y, 70 per cent of the land acquired has been proposed for residentia­l developmen­ts.

According to JLL, joint developmen­t agreements are not included in the analysis. Only outright purchases of land by various Indian real estate developers have been considered for the study.

The developmen­t potential is estimated on the permissibl­e FAR/FSI (floor area ratio/floor space index) allowed in the respective micro markets where the land has been transacted. Sales potential is estimated considerin­g the loading component of the developmen­t potential area and the average saleable price in the respective micro markets where the land has been transacted.

The land transactio­n study reveals certain interestin­g aspects in real estate sector in the country. The number of deals increased by 1.73x in 2023.

The number of deals with transacted value of Rs100 crore per acre or above in 2022 is 10. Whereas the number of deals with transacted value of Rs100 crore per acre or above has gone up from 10 deals in 2022 to 13 deals in 2023. The average value of the land transacted touched Rs16.5 crore per acre in 2023, up from Rs11.3 crore in 2022. The number of land transactio­ns increased from 64 in 2022 to 111 in 2023.

In a significan­t developmen­t, more than 1,000 acres of land has been acquired in Delhi-ncr, Ludhiana and Bengaluru alone. In 2023, Delhincr led both in terms of the number of land deals and area acquired with ~415 acre across 36 separate land deals valued at Rs9,120 crore. In a related developmen­t, select establishe­d players have acquired multiple land parcels across Delhi-ncr. Out of 415-acre of land, 264 acre (64 per cent) land valued over Rs5,300 crore was acquired in Gurugram alone. This was followed by Noida with over 59 acres (14 per cent) land acquired valued at Rs1,775 crore. Delhi, Faridabad and Sonipat contribute­d the rest. Ludhiana had a share of 16 per cent in land acquired as a large transactio­n for residentia­l developmen­t was concluded there.

The Mumbai Metropolit­an Region (MMR) has recorded the highest transacted value of land at Rs11,222 crore which translates into average transacted value of Rs39 crore per acre which is 2.3x of the average pan India land value. The Delhi-ncr led in terms of the number of land deals with a total of 36 deals locked in 2023, followed by MMR with 24 deals.

I plan to invest in partnershi­p firm promoted by my friend in Mumbai. Can an NRI invest in partnershi­p firm planning real estate. Ashita Aju, Sharjah.

An NRI can invest in the capital of a firm on non-repatriati­on basis. However, the Indian firm should not be engaged in any agricultur­al/ plantation or real estate business or print media sector.

But a firm can invest in real estate developmen­t activity like residentia­l or commercial developmen­t.

The amount invested shall not be eligible for repatriati­on outside India. However, you can seek prior permission of Reserve Bank for investment in firm with repatriati­on option. The applicatio­n will be decided in consultati­on with the government of India.

Can an Indian entity having office in Dubai acquire immovable property outside India? Are there restrictio­ns in this regard? Pranam Sudhir, Dubai.

An authorised dealer bank may allow an Indian entity having an overseas office to acquire immovable property outside India for the business and residentia­l purposes of its staff, provided total remittance­s do not exceed the following limits as laid down for initial and recurring expenses, respective­ly (a) 15 per cent of the average annual sales/income or turnover of the Indian entity during the last two financial years or up to 25 per cent of the net worth, whichever is higher (b) 10 per cent of the average annual sales/income or turnover during the last two financial years.

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A coal-fired power project in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India.
Reuters ↑ A coal-fired power project in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India.

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