Gulf Today

SMA launches online ticketing service


SHARJAH: Sharjah Museums Authority (SMA) is launching a new online ticketing service via its official website, as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance the cultural and visitor experience in the emirate.

This developmen­t is designed to streamline the process of visiting the emirate’s diverse museums, making it easier and more accessible for public members and internatio­nal tourists alike.

By introducin­g the new service, SMA aims to foster deeper engagement with Sharjah’s rich historical and cultural assets, thereby boosting both local and internatio­nal interest in the emirate. This aligns with Sharjah’s vision of being a vibrant cultural destinatio­n, living up to its reputation as ‘Sharjah, the source of culture,’ and enhancing its appeal as an ideal locale for life, leisure, and business investment.

Highlighti­ng ease and convenienc­e, the online ticketing feature streamline­s visit planning, especially during peak periods and holidays and celebratio­ns such as Eid Al-fitr.

This allows visitors to purchase tickets online without the necessity of prior atendance, ultimately saving time at ticket sale points.

This effort reflects SMA’S dedication to improving accessibil­ity and visitor satisfacti­on, offering a more efficient and user-friendly experience for tourists and all members of the public including individual­s with disabiliti­es and senior citizens above 60’s.

Seniors are also allowed one companion granted free of charge entry to SMA’S museums in a move that resonates with UAE’S values of respect and appreciati­on for the elderly. The online plaform aligns with global trends towards digitalisa­tion and smart service integratio­n, demonstrat­ing SMA’S commitment to leveraging technology to best serve its community.

Visitors embarking on a journey to explore Sharjah’s 16 museums are set to discover the epitome of the Emirate’s distinctiv­e tourism offerings and its remarkable achievemen­ts in preserving cultural heritage. Covering a myriad of captivatin­g topics, from Islamic arts and culture, archaeolog­y, heritage, science, aquatic world, these museums serve as gateways that unravel the rich tapestry of both Sharjah and the UAE’S history. The museums of Sharjah, situated across Sharjah, Khorfakkan, and Kalba, are key tourist atractions in the emirate.

Emphasisin­g the significan­ce of Bait Al Naboodah as a symbol of Sharjah and the Emirates’ heritage, its unique architectu­re showcases a rich history and cultural fusion

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The online platform aligns with global trends towards digitalisa­tion and smart service integratio­n.
↑ The online platform aligns with global trends towards digitalisa­tion and smart service integratio­n.

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