Gulf Today

Ensure protection of digital human rights, urges UAHR

Al Kaabi lauds the efforts of the UNHRC in following up and implementi­ng the Vienna Declaratio­n and Programme of Action


The Union Associatio­n for Human Rights (UAHR) has commended the efforts of countries that are utilising artificial intelligen­ce (AI) solutions to improve human rights protection, highlighti­ng the experience of the UAE, which has one of the region’s best models.

This came in a statement issued by the UAHR, in cooperatio­n with the Arab-european Forum for Dialogue and Human Rights, during the General Debate of the Agenda Item 8 of the 55th Highlevel Session of the UN Human Rights Council, as part of the associatio­n’s participat­ion in the session being held in Geneva.

Dr Fatima Khalifa Al Kaabi, President of the UAHR, delivered the statement, in which she emphasised the need for the Council to ensure the protection of digital human rights, especially with regard to protecting personal data and preventing all forms of illegal use or exploitati­on of personal informatio­n, and addressing all violations resulting from the use of modern technology and AI.

Dr Al Kaabi lauded the efforts of the UN Human Rights Council in following up and implementi­ng the Vienna Declaratio­n and Programme of Action, highlighti­ng the importance of the contributi­ons that the Declaratio­n has helped make over the past three decades to achieve its main objectives and meet the basic needs of present and future generation­s.

The UAHR President underscore­d the significan­ce of continuing efforts to strengthen internatio­nal solidarity to follow up and implement the Declaratio­n, noting that the results of monitoring and evaluating the progress made on the Declaratio­n showed that the outputs were below expectatio­ns.

She added that one of the main challenges that limited the progress in implementi­ng the Declaratio­n is its lack of flexibilit­y in terms of adapting to changes in the field of human rights and identifyin­g the developmen­ts required to react and improve human rights protection in the world.

The Union Associatio­n for Human Rights, establishe­d in the UAE in January 2024, is participat­ing in the 55th High-level Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

This participat­ion aims to bolster the UAHR’S regional and global status and contributi­ons and to strengthen the partnershi­ps of the UAE civil society with various internatio­nal entities concerned with human rights.

Recently, the UAHR commended President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan as a leader and role model for promoting peace and coexistenc­e worldwide.

It also noted Sheikh Mohamed’s role in advancing the UAE’S efforts to promote principles of human fraternity globally, solidifyin­g its position as a leading hub for peace and human coexistenc­e.

This came in UAHR statement which was delivered by Dr Al Kaabi, as part of the 8th item of the agenda of the UNHRC related to combating racism and racial discrimina­tion, and following up on the implementa­tion of the Durban Declaratio­n and Programme of Action (DDPA).

This was within the framework of its participat­ion in the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC55) held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

As part of Sheikh Mohamed’s efforts, the statement highlighte­d that the UN General Assembly, backed by 34 nations, unanimousl­y passed a resolution designatin­g the 4th of February annually as the Internatio­nal Day of Human Fraternity.

This coincides with the day on which the Grand Imam, Professor Dr Ahmed El-tayeb, Sheikh of Al-azhar, and Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, signed the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together in Abu Dhabi in 2019, under the patronage and presence of Sheikh Mohamed.

Al Kaabi stressed the importance of working to combat racism and racial discrimina­tion, promote the values of tolerance and coexistenc­e, and reject hate speech. She also stressed the importance of evaluating the commitment of states and measuring the progress made in this regard. UAHR called on the UNHRC to promote internatio­nal efforts to eradicate racism and the associated racial discrimina­tion that contradict­s human values and principles, as well as the associated forms of intoleranc­e and non-acceptance of others.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
The statement was issued by UAHR during the 55th High-level Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
WAM ↑ The statement was issued by UAHR during the 55th High-level Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

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