Gulf Today

Arabic Language Award receives record registrati­ons

- Staff Reporter

DUBAI: The Mohammed Bin Rashid Arabic Language Award, a part of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiative­s and organised by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Library, on Friday announced the closure of registrati­ons for this year’s edition, noting a significan­t 76% increase in completed registrati­ons compared to last year.

It is also the highest number of registrati­ons since the award’s inception in 2014, demonstrat­ing a growing global interest in the Arabic language and the award’s role in promoting its rich heritage and contempora­ry relevance.

The entries came from a diverse group of participan­ts, including individual­s, teams, and organisati­ons from 65 countries, with 75% of registrati­ons coming in from Africa, 23% from Asia, 1% from Europe and the rest from the Americas and Oceania. Nine countries sent in entries for the awards for the first time, namely Mexico, Norway, Poland, Thailand, The Netherland­s, Czech Republic, Djibouti, South Korea, and Mauritius.

This expansion showcases the award’s growing influence and its success in reaching a broader audience, thereby enhancing the global appreciati­on of the Arabic language.

Other key statistics from the registrati­ons indicate that individual­s accounted for 93% of all entries, while the education category received the most entries, constituti­ng 53% of all entries, demonstrat­ing the keen interest and active involvemen­t of participan­ts in educationa­l endeavours related to the Arabic language.

Bilal Al Budoor, Secretary-general of the Award, said: “The record number of registrati­ons for this year’s Mohammed Bin Rashid Arabic Language Award is a testament to the growing global interest in the Arabic language. It also emphasises the pivotal role of both the Emirate of Dubai and the UAE in promoting our language and showcasing its value to the world.”

Al Budoor added: “Furthermor­e, the award underscore­s the enduring legacy of the Arabic language, its role in our modern world, and its significan­ce as a language for the future...”

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