Gulf Today

Manatees dwell in National Aquarium Abu Dhabi


ABU DHABI: The National Aquarium Abu Dhabi welcomed two African manatees to their new home, becoming the first ambassador­s of their species in the region.

African manatees are extremely rare and only a few facilities around the world can host them. The National Aquarium, which was designed according to the highest internatio­nal standards, can offer the manatees an environmen­t like their natural habitat in Africa.

The initiative also reflects a broader commitment to supporting marine conservati­on efforts and an appreciati­on for the marvels of aquatic life.

The two male manatees were transferre­d from their previous home in Seoul, South Korea, accompanie­d by a team of specialist­s. This reflects the aquarium’ s commitment to adhering to internatio­nal safety standards and implementi­ng the required medical and safety protocols. To ensure their welfare at every stage of the journey, the manatees were closely monitored throughout their journey.

In addition to their role as ambassador­s for their species and symbols for key conservati­on efforts, the two African manatees are poised to become beloved icons, captivatin­g the hearts of visitors with their gentle nature and fascinatin­g behaviour. Their presence will offer a unique opportunit­y for the public to connect with them on a personal level, fostering a deeper appreciati­on for marine life and the importance of conservati­on. As visitors marvel at the manatees and learn about them from the aquarium’s knowledgea­ble experts, they are both entertaine­d and inspired to become stewards of the oceans.

The National Aquarium will offer the manatees a nurturing environmen­t that closely mimics their natural habitat. Paul Robert Hamilton, General Manager of the National Aquarium, said, “Our commitment to following internatio­nal standards guarantees that these magnificen­t creatures will thrive in an environmen­t that prioritise­s their safety, happiness, and overall well-being.”

In line with its broader mission to promote marine conservati­on and raise awareness about vulnerable species, the National Aquarium Abu Dhabi has contribute­d to the African Aquatic Conservati­on Fund to support projects that focus on preserving manatees in West Africa. Additional­ly, the aquarium will sell hand-made items crated by African artisans, with a portion of the proceeds managed through the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservati­on Fund, in partnershi­p with the African Aquatic Conservati­on Fund, being used to help conserve the species in their natural environmen­t.

Along with its financial contributi­ons, the National Aquarium actively supports educationa­l programmes to inform and inspire visitors and the public about marine conservati­on. Through these initiative­s, the aquarium aims to highlight the importance of protecting the oceans and their diverse species.

Hamilton stressed the importance of the institutio­n’s research efforts to understand and conserve African manatees, noting the work of the dedicated team of specialist­s and researcher­s who have studied the behaviour and ecology of the creatures. The insights gleaned from this research will play a crucial role in drating effective conservati­on strategies to safeguard the future of African manatees in their natural habitats, he added.

 ?? WAM ?? ↑
The National Aquarium Abu Dhabi welcomed two African manatees to their new home, becoming the first ambassador­s of their species in the region.
WAM ↑ The National Aquarium Abu Dhabi welcomed two African manatees to their new home, becoming the first ambassador­s of their species in the region.

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