Gulf Today

Verdict upheld in robbery case

- Mohammed Yaseen,

DUBAI: Dubai Appellate Court upheld the ruling of the Court of First Instance jailing the manager of a money exchange company in absentia and his colleague in presence for two years, to be followed by deportatio­n ater serving their sentences, fining them jointly Dhs1,2,000.

The court also ordered the referral of the civil case to the competent court and acquited another female employee of the charge of conniving with the suspects to steal the fine amount from the company they worked for.

The details date back to March 2023, when an accounts official of a money exchange company submited a report alerting the stealing of Dhs1,2,000 by the manager of one of the company’s branches and three other employees, adding that he discovered a large deficit in the funds of the company’s branch in a trading centre in Dubai.

The complainan­t added that he discovered that the first suspect requested the funds seized by the second be handed over to him, in order to finalise a transactio­n for one of the company’s clients, and then he requested his passport from the administra­tion.

According to the case file, the fugitive suspect headed to work on his weekly day off and turned off the surveillan­ce cameras.

He then seized Dhs1,200,000 from the company’s safe and replaced them with white papers with the size of banknotes and let the place.

Then an official discovered that the surveillan­ce cameras were broken, so he turned them on and informed administra­tion of the incident. Investigat­ions revealed that the fugitive suspect connived with another Asian employee to seize the company’s money, so he was arrested.

On being questioned, he confessed to conniving with the first to steal Dhs1,200,000 from the company and that he took advantage of the lack of experience of the two other colleagues.

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