Gulf Today

2,000 Iftar boxes distribute­d

- Staff Reporter

ABU DHABI: Capital Health Screening Centre, part of the M42 group, got into the spirit of the Holy Month by distributi­ng 2,000 itar meal boxes to labour workers in Musaffah and Al Ain.

It was the second year running that Capital Health Screening Centre had taken part in the initiative, this year extending its reach to Al Ain and doubling the number of meal boxes provided.

Led by Chief Executive Officer at Capital Health Screening Centre, Ali Ibrahim Mohamed Alsaffar, the Capital Health Screening Centre volunteers team included 35 individual­s who helped give out the boxes, which contained dates, fruits, water, protein-rich dishes, a cool refreshing laban drink and mouthwater­ing traditiona­l rama dan delicacies.

Ali Ibrahim Mohamed Alsaffar, Chief Executive Officer at Capital Health Screening Centre, said, “Ramadan is traditiona­lly a time of communitie­s and families coming together. Some of these workers are away from their homes and families and this small gesture is our way of showing them that they are cared about and appreciate­d. Seeing the joy on their faces as we hand out our boxes is rewarding and extremely heartwarmi­ng. While the primary focus of Capital Health Screening Centre is medical screenings, our outreach into the community exemplifie­s the holistic approach needed for fostering well-being on a broader scale and addressing not only the physical but also the emotional and social needs of individual­s.”

Capital Health Screening Centre volunteers engaged in hearfelt conversati­ons, sharing stories, and offering words of encouragem­ent to the workers. The initiative spread joy and comradeshi­p during this special time of the year.

These residents were delighted with the Capital Health Screening Centre initiative and said it made them feel like valued members of the community.

Capital Health Screening Centre is actively involved in the community.

It offers a range of medical screening services for individual­s and companies, including residency visa medical screenings, occupation­al health certificat­es and eligibilit­y for pension and benefits. It also has a fleet of mobile screening units that provide on-site services for groups of 20 to 600, which saves time and travel costs for companies and employees.

Capital Health Screening Centre is commited to innovation of essential services while maintainin­g government prices, and convenient­ly provides the choice to book your appointmen­t either through real time appointmen­t-booking systems on the website or a dedicated call center to minimise waiting times.

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