Gulf Today

Kerala court asks Congress leader to stick to demand


KOCHI: In a surprise move, Congress leader and Muvatupuzh­a MLA Mathew Kuzhalnada­n requested the court considerin­g his demand for a Vigilance department investigat­ion to look into the financial dealings of Veena Vijayan’s IT firm Exalogic Solutions and Cochin Minerals and Rutiles Limited (CMRL), to order a court inquiry into the mater.

Earlier, Kuzhalnada­n moved the court seeking a Vigilance probe into the incident.

However, Kuzhalnada­n changed his position while the petition about this case was being considered at the Trivandrum Vigilance Court on Thursday.

During the previous hearing, Kuzhalnada­n had demanded that the Vigilance department carry out the investigat­ion instead of the courtled investigat­ion.

On Thursday, Kuzhalnada­n backtracke­d from his earlier request and sought a court-led investigat­ion. The court asked the Congress leader, who is also an advocate, to stick to one demand.

According to Kuzhalnada­n, CMRL paid an amount of Rs1.72 crores to Exalogic Solutions for which no service was provided by the later.

The payment was made with an eye on favours from Veena’s father Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan with regard to mineral sand mining concession­s.

The Vigilance department rejected demands for an inquiry into the mater saying that the case was initially investigat­ed by another agency.

Responding to his change of stand in the court, Kuzhalnada­n said that he has not changed his demand on the monthly pay off controvers­y.

He said that he has no faith in the Vigilance investigat­ion and only an investigat­ion through court interventi­on will be transparen­t.

Kuzhalnada­n’s new demand is that the court should directly file a case against Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his daughter Veena Vijayan in the case. Kuzhalnada­n changed his stand when the order was about to be pronounced. The court asked Kuzhalnada­n to stick to one demand.

The Vigilance lawyer told the court that Kuzhalnada­n’s change of stance was politicall­y motivated. The verdict will be pronounced on 12 April.

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