Gulf Today

World Future Energy Summit to accelerate meeting COP28 goals

With more than 350 global thought leaders and industry experts set to convene and assess how companies and communitie­s can meet their carbon-neutral objectives


This month’s World Future Energy Summit, hosted by Masdar in Abu Dhabi, is set to accelerate the remarkable progress made at COP28 last year, when the landmark ‘UAE Consensus’ was forged at the first-ever UN climate summit held in the Emirates.

The groundbrea­king UAE Consensus and its multi-faceted mandates will be at the core of discussion­s at the World Future Energy Summit, where a dedicated Climate and Environmen­t Conference will explore the expansive outcomes of COP28.

With more than 350 global thought leaders and industry experts set to convene and assess how companies and communitie­s can meet their carbon-neutral objectives, the World Future Energy Summit is set to run from 16th-18th April at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC).

With COP28 and the UAE Consensus opening new ways of looking at climate challenges and prioritisi­ng new solutions from a broad spectrum of stakeholde­rs, the world’s warmest year on record spurred a host of nations to agree to ‘transition away’ from fossil fuels for the first time.

The forward-thinking group of nations also made the powerful commitment to triple renewable energy worldwide by 2030, and double energy efficiency improvemen­ts over the same seven-year window. The petroleum sector pledged to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, while fostering innovation and new fuels such as green hydrogen. The outcomes extended beyond the energy sector to industry, transport, and supply chains with the launch of an Industrial Transition Accelerato­r to scale up low-carbon technologi­es. COP28 also called for the transforma­tion of food systems with its Declaratio­n on Sustainabl­e Agricultur­e, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action.

“COP28 has laid down the mandates; the task now is how public and private sectors react and partner up to implement solutions which will achieve the objectives,” said Leen Alsebai, Show Director of the World Future Energy Summit. “The task is cross-sector and multi-channel, which is why the Climate and Environmen­t Conference takes a comprehens­ive approach to sector examinatio­n.”

Through a series of keynote addresses, panel discussion­s, fireside chats, and case studies, experts will look at accelerati­ng outcomes through pathways for myriad sectors, including tourism, manufactur­ing, aviation, and investment, as well as agricultur­e, utilities, energy, constructi­on, transport, and healthcare.

Melissa Tan, CEO of Wah & Hua, and Singapore & Regional Chapter Representa­tive - Asia and Pacific at the Internatio­nal Solid Waste Associatio­n, will discuss learnings from COP28 and how to navigate climate outcomes, as well as highlighti­ng the urgency to plan implementa­tion pathways.

A fireside talk with representa­tives from Arabian Gulf Steel Industries, Talabat, and Zero Carbon Ventures will look to foster innovation in carbon abatement. Anna Griffin, Chief People Officer at Arabian Gulf Steel Industries, said the session will deep dive into the technology and innovation pathways to reduce CO2 levels and reduce emissions.

“We will examine tangible examples that could make a difference in the near term and focus on prominent R&D efforts, opportunit­ies to scale, and potentiall­y positive decarbonis­ation impacts,” said Griffin.

The Climate and Environmen­t conference, one of five conference­s in the World Future Energy Summit’s exhaustive knowledge-sharing programme, will also feature a dedicated case study on the role of solar energy in improving healthcare in off-grid communitie­s across Africa, as well as a panel discussion on bridging skills gaps for long-term careers in climate.

For the first time, the Summit will include an embedded one-day conference entitled ‘Pathway to 1.5C’ on 16th April, where government ministers will highlight the importance of effective policy frameworks, equitable energy transition, technologi­cal innovation, and climate action imperative to achieving a net-zero future. Top-level CEOS from a range of industries will also share insights on emission-reducing strategies. There will also be two additional single-day forums focused on Green Finance and emobility.

A BUD HA BI CHAMBER: The a bud ha bi chamber of Commerce and Industry (ADCCI) announced the establishm­ent of 54 working groups within the Advocacy Hub initiative.

These working groups are part of the efforts to support the growth and prosperity of the private sector by providing an ideal plaform for businesses within Abu Dhabi to discuss the challenges facing various sectors, explore innovative solutions to address them and propel their growth.

This is in addition to participat­ing in decisionma­king and drating legislatio­n supporting the growth and prosperity of the business sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The new working groups, which were establishe­d based on the proposals and recommenda­tions of private sector representa­tives, are characteri­sed by their diversity, innovation, and effectiven­ess and will contribute directly to studying and keeping up with the aspiration­s of private sector companies within various vital economic activities.

These groups also serve as an ideal plaform for presenting developmen­t ideas and proposals and facilitati­ng communicat­ion between the private sector and government agencies to establish constructi­ve dialogue and discuss various issues related to the business community.

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The World Future Energy Summit opens its doors on April 16 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre in Abu Dhabi.
↑ The World Future Energy Summit opens its doors on April 16 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre in Abu Dhabi.

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