Gulf Today

ADIO, Dustour partner to drive maritime and tourism activities


ABU DHABI: Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) is collaborat­ing with Dustour Marine Wooden Boats Trading Establishm­ent to establish a new state-of-the-art project to support the Emirate’s coastal developmen­t in line with urban, social, recreation­al and economic expansion plans.

The Musataha agreement was signed during the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Developmen­t’s (ADDED) second edition of its Al Multaqa meetings, targeted specifical­ly at empowering Abu Dhabi’s family offices to achieve further commercial success and drive accelerate­d economic growth.

Located in Rabadan, the new Al Jaddaf project will provide a comprehens­ive sea paddle infrastruc­ture tailored for boats. The 79,595 sqm project will encompass buildings dedicated to boat maintenanc­e and repair, a centre for boat buying and selling, a shop catering to fishermen supplies, ample parking lots, boat stores, a café, various shops and restaurant­s, and a motel. It will also include a berth for 36 boats.

Commenting on the collaborat­ion, Mansoor Al Bastaki, Head of Musataha at ADIO, said, “We are proud to be working with Dustour Marine Wooden Boats Trading Est. to cater to the needs of fishermen and boat owners in an efficient manner. The new Al Jaddaf project underscore­s the significan­ce of serving coastal regions and will play a key role in supporting Abu Dhabi’s maritime activities and in promoting tourism in the Emirate.” The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council issued the Interim Coastal Developmen­t Guidelines for the Emirate to unlock Abu Dhabi’s unique coastal lagoon seting and help shape the Emirate as a city of compact, mixed-use communitie­s showcasing its unique ecosystem and landscapes. The project also supports Abu Dhabi’s Tourism Strategy 2030, which outlines plans to boost visitor numbers to 39.3 million and increase the sector’s GDP contributi­on to Dhs90 billion by 2030.

Mousa Khalfan Faraj Al Mehairbi, Business Developmen­t Manager at Dustour Marine Wooden Boats Trading Est., said, “This collaborat­ion goes beyond just serving the needs of local boat owners and fishermen. The project will also boast a boat slipway and a convenient fuel station, making Al Jaddaf a one-stop shop for both residents and tourists.

“This will not only atract visitors interested in experienci­ng the rich maritime heritage of Abu Dhabi, but also establish Rabdan as a central hub for potential investors in the yachting and boating industry. By concentrat­ing these resources in one location, Al Jaddaf is poised to become a vibrant destinatio­n for maritime enthusiast­s and a key driver of economic growth in the region.” In close collaborat­ion with government partners, sovereign investors and national champions, ADIO provides local and internatio­nal companies with a range of growth-enabling support and access to Abu Dhabi’s public landbank and major infrastruc­ture projects. ADIO continues to support communitie­s across Abu Dhabi through a pipeline of Musataha projects to enable key initiative­s in the Emirate. During the event, it also signed a number of agreements with Mara Real Estate Developmen­t LLC - OPC, Internatio­nal Jubilee Private School - Sole Proprietor­ship LLC and Aerotech Power for Real Estate Investment­s.

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Top officials during the signing ceremony in Abu Dhabi.
↑ Top officials during the signing ceremony in Abu Dhabi.

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