Gulf Today

ZAINTECH gets Microsoft Azure Expert MSP status


DUBAI: ZAINTECH, the integrated digital solution provider of Zain Group, has earned the Microsot Azure Expert Managed Service Provider (MSP) status. This status is awarded to organisati­ons that demonstrat­e exceptiona­l capabiliti­es in delivering comprehens­ive, end-to-end solutions on the Azure cloud plaform.

ZAINTECH’S atainment of this status further solidifies its position as a trusted partner in the digital transforma­tion journey of businesses across the Middle East, and signifies its proficienc­y in managing and optimizing Azure services to provide clients with reliable, scalable, and secure cloud solutions.

Andrew Hanna, ZAINTECH CEO commented, “We are focused to delivering cuting-edge solutions that make it easier for businesses to transition to the cloud and deliver scalable and optimized workflows. Achieving the Azure Expert MSP status reinforces our commitment to cater for requiremen­ts and challenges posed by our customers’ needs.”

ZAINTECH supports private and public organizati­ons in regulated and non-regulated industries in leveraging the power of the cloud to deliver transforma­tional IT outcomes. Whether customers are focused on growth, driving down costs, or mitigating security risks, ZAINTECH offers versatile cloud solutions that bring immense value as well as the power to scale alongside the business. With in-country datacenter­s that offer improved flexibilit­y for scaling and costs, ZAINTECH cloud solutions are proving to be essential for customers who are still in the early stages of cloud adoption.

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