Gulf Today

Dakshil Jain’s art is both a mirror and a catalyst

- Muhammad Yusuf, Features Writer

SHARJAH: The artistic journey of Dakshil Jain, Grade 10 student at JSS Internatio­nal School (JSSIS), Dubai, has been “one of passion and dedication,” according to his mother Richa Jain, who is also a well-known artist. By age 14, Dakshil had made significan­t strides in the world of art, showcasing his skills and creativity in various competitio­ns and exhibition­s. One of his most notable achievemen­ts in the recent past was his participat­ion in the art competitio­n hosted by the prestigiou­s Emirates Environmen­tal Group. It centered round the theme of “envisionin­g and embodying goal 17 at COP 28,” and atracted an impressive number of 122,000 young artists in the under-14 category. Despite the competitio­n, Dakshil achieved the 3rd position - the award ceremony was atended by the Vice Principal of JSSIS. (Former President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, launched JSS Internatio­nal School in 2009). Furthermor­e, the artist was also placed 2nd in the Islamic fest competitio­n held at Gems Modern Academy Dubai. The event required participan­ts to create a drawing illustrati­ng the importance of children in the world, with the text in Arabic. Dakshil’s winning entry proved his ability to convey meaningful messages through art.

He has also held a solo art exhibition titled My Art Journal at JSSIS. It showcased his life as an artist, beginning from the early age of four. Visitors were treated to an array of paintings that demonstrat­ed his technical skills and artistic evolution. The exhibition was inaugurate­d by Bijender Singh from the Consulate General of India - Dubai, and Nishi Singh, Communicat­ions Head of Indian People’s Forum (IPF).

Dakshil is not content by only projecting his art: he has demonstrat­ed a commitment to using it as a medium for positive change and community engagement. He organised an art competitio­n and workshop at Dubai Library, Mankhool, for more than 100 children, in collaborat­ion with his mentor, Sugat Priyadarsh­i, Head of the Arts Department at JSSIS. The event aimed to foster creativity and explore the fusion of art and technology.

The event showcased a diverse range of imaginativ­e interpreta­tions of the Future of AI theme. Artists unleashed their creative prowess, portraying a world where AI seamlessly merges with humanity, capturing both its potential benefits and ethical considerat­ions. 130+ students in the age group 6 – 21 participat­ed in the competitio­n and the workshop was atended by over 180 participan­ts. The event was cost free for students and brought together artists and enthusiast­s to delve into the evolving relationsh­ip between art and artificial intelligen­ce. Participan­ts immersed themselves in creating artworks that envisioned the impact of AI on society and personal expression.

Later, Dakshil, along with Priyadarsh­i and the support of his mother Richa Jain, conducted workshops to assist students in creating portraits of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. Students also learnt about drawing art characters. Participan­ts honed their portraitur­e skills under Priyadarsh­i’s guidance, while Jain introduced them to the vibrant world of cartoon art. The event was sponsored by Rainbow Water LLC and Staedler. Among his activities, Dakshil has also gited the portrait of the Mayor of Indore, a city in Madhya Pradesh state of India.

Us-based Mom’s Choice Awards which evaluates products and services created for children, families and educators, notes that art allows children (and young adults) to experience the world in a whole new way. “Involving children in art early and oten allows them to explore new possibilit­ies and experience the world in a hands-on environmen­t,” it says. “Art gives a child the ability to explore mediums, tools, textures and techniques using their senses. The creative process allows a child to guide their own learning … and to create something uniquely theirs.” Dakshil’s journey is a testament to the power of art in shaping young minds and fostering creativity. His achievemen­ts not only reflect his talent, but also his dedication to using art as a tool for self-expression and social change.

 ?? ?? Left: A compositio­n by Dakshil Jain.
Right: Dakshil Jain beside his artwork.
Left: A compositio­n by Dakshil Jain. Right: Dakshil Jain beside his artwork.
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