Hospitality News Middle East



director of Libanpac , a nonpro t private sector associatio­n, making strides in the packaging industry with the recent Lebanon Student Starpack 2015 awards

What is the objective of the Starpack awards?

The goal of this packaging contest - a first in Lebanon and the Arab region - is to acknowledg­e and promote creation, whether visual or structural, in the domain of packaging design.

What speci c cha enges have o faced in ter s of creation and organizati­on?

The main challenge was in financing the competitio­n. However, despite the financial difficulti­es that Libanpack is facing, we insisted on continuing our mission to increase awareness of packaging and to organize Lebanon Student Starpack for the sixth year. We’re hopeful that next year, we will be able to re-launch it on a regional level.

Based on submission­s, what are the trends in F&B packaging?

Sustainabi­lity. Indeed it is the rise of a new era - the "Green Revolution" where the consumer is more of an influence than the packaging industry. "on the go" or "on the move" products: Today's consumers have a very busy and mobile lifestyle; "on the move" products are here to make their life easier while still eating healthy. The design should offer the consumer a package featured with easy opening, convenient portabilit­y and sometimes one-handed usage. Reducing food waste and increasing shelf life: Tackling food waste is where packaging can demonstrat­e its value and meet the pressure to reduce waste.

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