I AM Bold and Fearless Woman Magazine



Mothers are our first teachers. There are things that we learn from them that are ingrained in our hearts, minds, and souls. I learned many things from my mom, but there were a few things that molded me inside into the woman that I am today.

Saturdays at my house were filled with cleaning, music, and food. One such Saturday, mom was not in a cleaning mood, but she was cooking up a storm and the house was full of sunlight, smells, and laughter. Around 2 pm in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door and asked for food. She said, “Wait right here, I will be back.” I asked, “Do you know them?”

She said, “NO.”

She took them a bag with a drink, sandwich, chips, and cookies.

An hour later, someone knocked on the door and asked for money. She said, “Wait right here, I will be back.” She gave them a 10-dollar bill and a soda. As the sky turned into a sunset, there was a knock on the door.

A girl asked if she could use the phone. She said, “Wait right here, I will be back.” She pulled that long curly cord out and gave the girl the phone and she dialed the number. My mom, Gloria Crawford, looked down at me and said, “We must help people that are in need, keep your heart open to see past the outer appearance of a person.”

My entire life was shaped on that Saturday and many additional days of her showing love for those that are in need. I will forever be grateful for that day.

My mom has experience­d great tragedy, but she always kept room for love and helping others no matter how her own heart ached.


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