I AM Bold and Fearless Woman Magazine

What's in your DNA?



Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee: ond before thou come forth out of the womb I sanctified thee. and I ordained thee a prophet unto the no tion s. Jeremia h 1:5KJV

As a young girl, it was always spoken upon my life that l would empower many women, and their lives would change. Not fully understand­ing w ho I w as. but know ing, I was raised up in the way I should go. In my family ministries. I sow miracles, signs. and wonders. But w hat ha ppens when you're faced with devastatin­g storms, fiery trials such as being molested, raped, and rejected? The fait h you once hod no longer becomes fully active in your life. You've reached a place of not believing who you ore or whose you ore. You start to speak contrary to what God said concerning you, your purpose. and destiny. I hod to recognize that being disobedien­t would come with consequenc­es.

I didn't understand that Spirits were transferab­le: it wilt hove you not knowing who you realty ore. But I was warned, the people m) parent!: warned me obout were the !>om.:> people I wo:; running to. I found my:oelf entangled with the spirit of self-sabotage. The enemy tried sa many schemes. especially when it come to relationsh­ips. I was trying to figure out all these different feelings and emotions that I was feeling. Thoughts of suicide. fear, and anxiety. I started to realize the enemy was trying to toke my mind; I knew I wasn't living the life that God had chosen for me: I was walking in disobedien­ce. But deep in my heart. I always knew I had the power and authority to speak Life into my situation.

So I prayed, and I asked God to search my heart, I repented and asked God to change me and my circumstan­ces. Once I obeyed. I started to think bock on haw I used to go to church and they would hove us kneel down at the altar and repent, collfrg on jesus. There it was, the spirit of peace coming to remind me about what was spoken aver my life.

My grandfathe­r. the late Bishop DE Russell Sr., was a well -respected man of power and faith; he hod so much wisdom. knowledge. and revelation downloaded over the years. One particular day. grandfathe­r hod me sit down: he said Mary, there ore two scriptures that you will need to stand on throughout your life. he hod me read Psalms 23, and Matthew 5:44. Grandfathe­r said Mary, when I'm gone, you'll remember these talks; he said always remember that The Lord is your Shepherd and you shall not want for anything. he said you must love those who hurt you. you must forgive them. Continue to lave them with d pure heart. keep praying without ceasing.

God sent me an Angel In t he form of my g randfather to remind me to open my mouth and speak life Into my situation, so I may reach into my future and walk w ith clarity to fulfill my destiny. I want you to think about what's in your DNA? Because your future, destiny is already written. The question Is, will you walk by faith even w hen it may not seem like you're close to what has been spoken over your life? To be quite honest. I simply chose to believe God, I chose to walk by foith and not by sight , I chose to have crazy folth. I chose to trust that Gad w ould prepare me for that appointed time. I'm going to end his story by giving you the blueprint thot se: my foundation.

Ł Check your family history: ask questions, ask who was the intercesso­r, the prayer warnor, or the one that believed God in your fomily?

Ł Keep speoking life: you choose to be happy, you choose to hove peace of mind . the choice is yours,

Ł Don't let anyone di'Tl your light if you feel you need to dim your light when you're around otners Ł Evaluate yourself

Ł Forgive your enemies: everyone has a rock bottom. Everyone's rock bottom looks d ifferent. everyone has different experience­s. so before you judge, ask yourseiL how do or how did your rock bottom look?

There's nothing too herd God con fix.

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