
Got goals? This empowering guide shows how to tackle your to-dos with confidence and enthusiasm so that you can transform anxiety into accomplishment.

It’s great to dream big, but with day-to-day demands and stresses that seem to dominate our lives, larger goals are easily overlooked or can seem completely out of reach. Procrastination, insecurity, and negative thinking can get in the way as well. But with the eight simple steps in Doable, anything and everything becomes possible.

Ambitious teens have an incredible ally in Doable, which outlines strategies for success and includes profiles of young women who have already found it in areas like activism, entrepreneurialism, philanthropy, and more. From getting clear on what your “to-do” is to determining what success looks like and dealing with setbacks, the clear and concise tactics offered here feel like advice from a (very wise) friend, and before you know it you’ll be delivering the goods and achieving your dreams.

About the author(s)

Deborah Reber’s teen books include Doable, Language of Love, Chill, In Their Shoes, and Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: The Real Deal. She is also the founding editor-in-chief for Heart of Gold, an online destination for teen girls passionate about entrepreneurship, social activism, and volunteerism. She recently moved to Amsterdam with her family. Find out more at


“You’re in charge. This is a powerful book forbrave women, a book that makes it clear that it’s not merely about using proventechniques for getting tasks done, but accomplishing the change you want tomake in the world. Go make your ruckus!”

Seth Godin, author of The Icarus Deception

"I love this book! Life can be overwhelming at any age, but Doable provides a positive and encouraging way forward. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is merely a self-help book. It's a make-it-happen, get-it-done, and feel great about tomorrow book."

Chris Guillebeau, New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup

"My daughter is only six, but I am already reading her passages from Doable. Debbie is the perfect coach, guide, and mentor to ensure our teen girls love their lives and grow into strong, confident women."

Pamela Slim, author of Body of Work

"I love this book! I dare you to read it and not feel totally inspired to go out into the world and own it. THis book will give you the tools to set and accomplish goals, figure out who you are and what matters to you, and face your fears."

Rachel Simmons, author of The Curse of the Good Girl and Odd Girl Out

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