
The first in a vivid and charming crime series set in the Louisiana bayou, introducing the hilariously uncensored amateur sleuth Glory Broussard. Perfect for fans of Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club.

*A Washington Post Best Mystery Novel of the Year*

It’s a hot and sticky Sunday in Lafayette, Louisiana, and Glory has settled into her usual after-church routine, meeting gamblers at the local coffee shop, where she works as a small-time bookie. Sitting at her corner table, Glory hears that her best friend—a nun beloved by the community—has been found dead in her apartment.

When police declare the mysterious death a suicide, Glory is convinced that there must be more to the story and, with her reluctant daughter, with troubles of her own, in tow, launches a shadow investigation in a town of oil tycoons, church gossips, and a rumored voodoo priestess.

As a Black woman of a certain age who grew up in a segregated Louisiana, Glory is used to being minimized and overlooked. But she’s determined to make her presence known as the case leads her deep into a web of intrigue she never realized Lafayette could harbor. Danielle Arcenaux’s riveting debut brings for an unforgettable character that will charm and delight crime fans everywhere and leave them hungry for her next adventure.

About the author(s)

Danielle Arceneaux is a public relations veteran that lives in Brooklyn, NY with her border terrier, Birdie, and an ungovernable cat. When not writing, she enjoys traveling around the world to fly fish. For more information, visit 


"Up for a small-town Southern church lady amateur sleuth that kicks ass? After reading Danielle Arceneaux’s cozy-defying debut, my answer is yes! I admire Arceneaux for crafting Glory as a complicated, hilarious, and surprising character—in other words, a stellar protagonist who is utterly and truly unique. And there’s more. The bayou setting, Glory’s coffee shop hangout, local criminals, and small-town gossipy intrigue all meld into a steamy, irresistible plot I couldn’t get enough of."

Rob Osler, author of Devil's Chew Toy

“Glory Broussard, the star of Danielle Arceneaux’s fabulous debut mystery differs from most of the other Black women in Lafayette, La. When Glory learns that her lifelong friend Amity has died, she’s immediately suspicious. Glory is up for the challenge, and she is a character for the ages.”

Sarah Weinman, New York Times Book Review

"A remarkable debut novel that blends a character study with a tightly woven mystery that delves into dark corners of racism and corruption."

The Washington Post

“A delightful debut. One Sunday, while Glory is crunching numbers at her usual table in CC’s Coffeehouse, she strikes up a conversation with police officer Beau Landry, whom she used to babysit.  In the middle of their chat, he’s called to a crime scene at the home of Amity Gay, an activist nun and Glory’s best friend.  Arceneaux successfully avoids a mountain of cozy clichés—and works in potent critiques into her well-oiled plot. Readers will be eager to spend more time with Glory in future installments.”

Publishers Weekly, starred review

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