
In the adorable third book of the Good Dog series, Bo learns to herd the sheep on the farm—the hard way!

Loveable puppy Bo Davis has his work cut out for him when he has to herd the farm’s sheep by himself!

With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Good Dog chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.

About the author(s)

Cam Higgins wrote her very first book about a cat who lived in an alleyway when she was eight years old. As a child, she loved visiting a neighboring farm and seeing all the animals. Now Cam has a pup of her own, who is very mischievous, and she still loves writing about animals. Cam lives in New York City with her two children, her husband, and Laila the dog.

As soon as Ariel Landy learned how to draw a sky beyond a blue scribbled line, she knew she wanted to be an illustrator. Raised on coloring books and crayons outside of Boston, she now lives in France with her husband and dog. Visit her online at

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