
If Dr. Seuss were drawing on classical Buddhist texts for inspiration, this is what he’d write—with playful yet classic illustrations by the team behind I See You, Buddha, to which this book is a standalone companion.

Destined to be classic, I See You, Mara! is a beautifully illustrated tale from the Buddhist sutras that will help kids learn how to better relate to their most difficult thoughts and feelings—including fear, self-doubt, and all kinds of insecurities. 

The story is told in the memorable and engaging rhyming verse in the tradition of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein, and illustrated in a traditional and yet light-hearted style by the renowned and award-winning illustrator of I See You, Buddha! and Wisdom’s Illustrated Lotus Sutra, and many other books.

Mara is a character from the Buddhist tradition who is the personification of the mind that causes suffering, also known as delusion. I See You, Mara! provides time-tested tools for dispelling the voice of fear, doubt, and inadequacy that arises for all of us.

About the author(s)

Josh Bartok is the author of the popular Daily Wisdom series, which includes Daily WisdomMore Daily WisdomNightly Wisdom, and Daily Doses of Wisdom; and is the co-author (with Ezra Bayda) of Saying Yes to Life (Even the Hard Parts). He's also the author of two children's books written in playful rhyme and based on Buddhist scriptures, I See You, Buddha and I See You, Mara.

Demi was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, into a family of renowned artists, with painting in her blood. She studied at The Instituto Allende in Guanajuato, Mexico; with Sister Corita at Immaculate Heart College in Hollywood, California; at the M.S. University in Baroda, India, while on a Fulbright scholarship; and at the China Institute for Arts in New York City. Demi is the award-winning author and illustrator of over three hundred bestselling children’s books, including picture-book biographies of spiritual leaders such as the Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Gandhi, Jesus, Mother Teresa, Muhammad, Guru Nanak, and Hiawatha. Her titles have sold over two million copies. Numerous folktales such as The Empty Pot and Liang and the Magic Paintbrush transmit the wonder and magic of China. Her work has received many awards and accolades, among them the Christopher Award, which recognizes individuals whose work makes a positive difference in the world, and the Middle East Book Award. Her titles have also been designated American Library Association Notable Children’s Books, New York Times Best Illustrated Books, Notable Books for a Global Society, and American Bookseller Pick of the List Books.


"This delightful children's book shines a bright, beaming light on the one within each of us whose dark shadow and tricks obscures Truth and upsets our minds.  As this book so playfully reveals, it is this light of awareness that casts out Mara the Deceiver from our consciousness.  I See You, Mara! is a bringer of light for children and adults alike."

Bhante Gunaratana, author of Mindfulness in Plain English

"This delightful picture book conveys in vivid, colorful images and rhymed verses the same essential message that the Buddha had to learn to attain Buddhahood. We might even call it a children's primer on Buddhahood—and on the obstacles encountered along the way."

Bhikkhu Bodhi, translator and author of In the Buddha's Words

“A beautiful and engaging book for children of all ages as they learn about their emotions. We know that avoidance of one’s thoughts and emotions can lead to many mental health and behavioral problems. I See You, Mara teaches children (and adults!) to face their negative internal experiences and name them for what they are. The advice to pause to 'find what is true' is wise guidance for all of us. This book gives parents and caregivers specific images and keywords to help their children use in this work.”

Dr. Debra A. Hope, director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic and the Rainbow Clinic of the UNL Psychological Consultation Center, author of Managing Social Anxiety

"All of us are familiar with the habits of mind that cause emotional suffering: ruminations, worries, grasping after things that bring us comfort in the short-term but ultimately leave us feeling empty.  Buddhist teachings have a name for this collection of mental habits: Mara.  Psychological research shows us that being aware of one’s mental processes—noticing them without struggling with them—can be an effective way to make them fade into the background. In the language of this book, when we notice and recognize Mara, "Poof!"—Mara tends to disappear. I See You, Mara communicates these principles effectively for audiences young and old, with evocative descriptions and lush artwork that has something for everyone.  What a wonderful way to describe how to break free of suffering!"

David Tolin, PhD, president of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and author of Doing CBT

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