
Grow It! Harvest it! Cook it! Eat it! Yummy Jam and Jelly for You and Your Family!

There is nothing like eating homemade jam and jelly. Now you can learn how to grow the plants they come from and then make your own. Strawberry jam, pumpkin jam, mint jelly, and rhubarb jelly are perfect for so many occasions, from summer picnics to weekend breakfasts and everyday snacks.

You will learn how to grow strawberries, pumpkins, mint, and rhubarb with the fun instructions inside. Then you can harvest your ingredients and head to the kitchen to learn how to transform them into these delicious treats! They can make very special gifts, as well, if you can bear to part with them.

Have fun getting your hands dirty while growing your own ingredients. Most of all, get ready to eat the best food in the world—food you have grown it yourself!

This is the third book in the Grow Your Own series, after Pasta Sauce! and Ice Cream!

About the author(s)

Cassie Liversidge is a fine artist and mom of two boys as well as an avid gardener and cook. She runs a business called Grow Your Own Playground that gets children in East London schools outside, gardening and learning about plants in lessons linked to the curriculum. She feels it is vital to give children this experience so that they can go on to feel confident about growing their own food and making good food choices in the future.

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