
"Please be soft," says Father.
"Please do whisper," says Mother.

Emily doesn't mean to be loud. But whenever she says anything in her Emily voice, windows crack, plates shatter, and the neighbors can't believe their ears. Emily tries and tries but she just can't be quiet. It seems like there's nowhere she fits in...until the day she sees a ship with a sign that says:
Nobody's louder than Emily! So she sets sail for an adventure on the high seas, looking for a place where she can be herself. Loud Emily.
Climb aboard for a memorable tall tale of ships, whales, and a little girl with a very BIG voice.

About the author(s)

Nancy Carpenter is the acclaimed illustrator of Thomas Jefferson and the Mammoth Hunt, Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine, Fannie in the Kitchen, and Loud Emily, among other books. Her works have garnered many honors, including two Christopher Awards and the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Visit her at

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